Objective: The aim of study is to research the functional mechanism oftherapy for hyperuricuria and gouty arthritis through warming kidney andremoving blood stasis.
Treatment of a gouty attack is typically focused on decreasing the pain and swelling, most often with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, or NSAIDS, like ibuprofen or naproxen sodium, but occasionally with corticosteroids as well.
In stalked Miss Van Meeker Constantia Coulson, bony, durable, tall, high-nosed, frigid, well-bred, thirty-five, in-the-neighbourhood-of-Gramercy-Parkish. She put up a lorgnette. Mrs. Widdup hastily stooped and arranged the bandages on Mr. Coulson's gouty foot.
" Why, if the gods were cruel, they would have made me my mother's firstborn, and Doran her third. I am a bloodthirsty man, you see. And it is me you must contend with now, not my patient, prudent, and gouty brother" .
" 哼,如果诸神想要作弄世人,就该让我成为长子,道朗当三子。你也看见了,我是嗜血如命的。怎么样,你要对付的是我,
Be that as it might, the hens were now scarcely larger than pigeons, and had a queer, rusty, withered aspect, and a gouty kind of movement, and a sleepy and melancholy tone throughout all the variations of their clucking and cackling.