" Your Grace, " said a greybeard with a stooped shoulder. " You are welcome here, but your men must leave their swordbelts. No weapons are allowed within, by command of the High Septon" .
" 陛下," 一个驼背灰胡子说," 我们欢迎您,但您随从们必须解下剑带。遵
" Two-and-twenty, and what of it? Father was not even one-and-twenty when Aerys Targaryen named him Hand. It is past time Tommen had some young men about him in place of all these wrinkled greybeards. Aurane is strong and vigorous" .
" 他二十二岁了!再说,争这个有意义吗?父亲当上伊里斯首相时还不满二十一岁呢。是时候改变了,托曼身边应该多些活力充沛
" A list" . Cersei was amused by his presumption. " I can well imagine the sort of list you would provide me. Greybeards and grasping fools and Garth the Gross" . Her lips tightened. " You have been much in Lady Margaery's company of late" .
" 名单?" 瑟曦觉得挺有趣," 我能想象得出你名单。无非就是白胡子们、贪婪
加尔斯,对吗?" 她嘴巴一抿," 最近,你上玛格丽那边去