There was once a grievous famine in the land.
He was charged with maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm.
Wasting food when people are starving is a grievous wrong.
Her death was a grievous shock.
He has been a disappointment to me, Mr. Holmes -- a grievous disappointment.
" A grievous thing when a great man grows old" .
" 伟逃不脱岁月的魔掌,多可悲呀。"
And what do you suppose is Bernini's punishment for grievous bodily harm and attempted murder?
Cotter Pyke had made his angry mark below. " Is it grievous, my lord" ? asked Clydas.
下面是卡特·派克张扬的签名。" ,情况很糟?" 克莱达斯问。
He and his colleagues have said and done all the right things, avoiding the grievous mistakes of Iraq.
" Your bastard was accused of grievous crimes, " Catelyn reminded him sharply. " Of murder, rape, and worse" .
" 你的私生子犯下滔天罪," 凯特琳尖锐地提醒他," 不仅谋杀、强暴,还有更难以启齿的恶行。"
" Jon would never. Lord Snow did. Sometimes there is no happy choice, Sam, only one less grievous than the others" .
" 琼恩不。但雪。很多时候,没有愉快的选择,山姆,只不过其中之一比余下的略少一些悲哀罢了。"
" I fear so, my lord. It is so sad. So grievous sad. And them so young and innocent" .
" 恐怕是的,。多可悲,多令伤感啊。他们年纪那么小,那么天真无邪。"
But my disappointment was grievous and unexpected.
It was as incomprehensible as it was mortifying and grievous.
We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.
To her what she had done would naturally seem a grievous sin.
He came regularly once a week to tell me his grievous story.
他每周定期来一次, 告诉我他悲惨的故事。
A little grievous cry, as if from a sudden wound, came from the girl's lips.
" But it was my brother" ! she cried with the grievous anger of an outraged virgin.
“但那是我的兄弟” !她带着愤怒的处女的极度愤怒哭了起来。
Then came the 6th of March, a Sunday, the day Father Ioann decided to commit his grievous crime.
然后是 3 月 6 日,一个星期天,那天 Ioann 神父决定犯下他的严重罪行。
" Your Grace is too kind. I suffered grievous losses on the Green Fork, and Glover and Tallhart worse at Duskendale" .
" 陛下真是太宽厚了。我去年在绿叉河畔损失惨重,前次又听任葛洛佛和陶哈冒进暮谷城,酿成败,实在惭愧。"
In a statement he said the McConvilles had suffered grievous injustice and reiterated he is innocent of any involvement.
在一份声明中, 他说麦康维尔一家遭受了严重的不公正对待, 并重申他与任何事情无关。
There was no vestige of an idea in her stricken sensibilities save that her Anthony was at grievous fault.
除了她的安东尼犯了严重的错误之外, 在她饱受打击的情感中没有任何想法。
I decided that if my friends could not understand my grievous affliction, then I did not need their friendship.
我决定, 如果我的朋友们无法理解我的悲痛,那么我就不需要他们的友谊了。