| 划词

Applicable places : family, shop, supermarket, shopping plaza,hotel,dining room,boite,guesthouse,beauty parlor,feetcaring center,massage room, office and so on .




goblin, gobline, goblinize, goblinry, goblins, gobo, goboon, gobos, gobsmack, gobsmacked, gob-stopper, gob-struck, goby, go-by, GOC, gocart, go-cart, gock, god, god of war, Godardian, Godavari, god-awful, godchild, goddam, goddammit, goddamn, goddamned, goddamnit, Goddard, goddaughter, god-daughter, goddeship, goddess, godet, godetia, go-devil, godfather, God-fearer, god-fearing, godforsaken, Godfrey, godgiven, god-given, godhead, godhood, Godiva, godless, godlet, godlike, godliness, godling, godly, Godman, god-man, godmother, Godolphin, godown, godparent, godroon, gods, godsend, godship, godson, Godspeed, Godthaab, godward, Godwards, Godwin, Godwinian, godwit, Godwottery, Godzilla, goe, goer, goergeyite, Goering, goes, goeschwitzite, goest, goeth, Goethe, Goethean, goethite, goetzenite, gofer, goffer, goffered, goffering, gog and magog, go-gauge, go-get, go-getter, go-getting, goggle, goggle-box, goggled, goggle-eyed, goggles, gogglet, Gogh, goglet, gogo, go-go, Gogol, GOI, Goidel, Goidelic, going, going away, going over, going-over, going-rate, goings and comings, goings on, goings-on, goiter, goiterogenic, goitre, goitrogen, goitrogenic, goitrous, gok, gokaite, gokart, go-kart, gokumite, gola, Golconda, gold, gold brick, Gold Coast, gold digger, gold dust, gold fever, gold foil, gold leaf, gold medal, gold mine, gold miner, gold plate, gold rush, gold standard, goldammer, goldarn, goldarned, goldbeater, goldbeating, Goldberg, goldbonded, goldbrick, gold-brick, gold-bricking, goldbug, goldcrest, gold-digger, gold-doped, golddust, gold-dust, golden, Golden Age, golden boy, golden calf, golden chain, golden eagle, golden fleece, Golden Gate, golden gate bridge, golden handshake, Golden Horde, golden mean, golden oriole, golden parachute, golden retriever, golden rule, golden section, Golden State, golden syrup, golden thread, golden yellow, goldeneye, golden-eyes, golden-mouthed, goldenrain, goldenrod, goldenseal, goldentwig, goldeye, goldfield, gold-filled, goldfinch, goldfish, goldfish bowl, goldfishing, goldfoil, goldie, goldilocks, goldinodex, goldleaf, goldless, Goldlion, Goldman, goldmark, goldmine, goldminer, gold-overlaid, goldplate, gold-plate, goldplated, gold-plating, goldpremium, goldrefining, goldschmidtine, goldschmidtite, goldsmith, goldsmithery, goldsmithing, Goldstar, goldstone, goldtail, gold-trafficker, goldwasser, goldwater, Goldwaterism, goldwork, Goldwynism, goldy, golem, golf, golf ball, golf cart, golf club, golf course, golf links, golfabilia, golfada, golf-course, golfdom, golfer, golfing, golf-links, golfotron, Golgi, Golgi apparatus, Golgi body, Golgi complex, golgiosome, Golgotha, goliard, goliardery, Goliath, Goliaths, golliwog, gollop, golly, gollywog, goloptious, golosh, goloshes, goluptious, GOM, gombeen, gombroon, gome, Gomel, gomenol, gomeral, gomma, gommier, gommures, Gomorrah, gompa, gomphiasis, gomphodont, gompholite, gomphoside, gomphosis, gomuti, gon, gonacratia, gonad, gonadal, gonadectomize, gonadectomy, gonado, gonado-advent, gonadoblastoma, gonadogenesis, gonadoliberin, gonadopathy, gonadopause, gonadorelin, gonadotherapy, gonadotrope, gonadotroph, gonadotrophic, gonadotrophin, gonadotrophins, gonadotropic, gonadotropin, gonadotropinoma, gonadotropism, gonadovenography, gonado-venography, gonads, gonaduct, gonagra, gonalgia, gonane, gonangium, gonangula, gonangulum, gonapophyses, gonapophysis, gonapsides, gonapsis, gonarcus, gonarthritis, gonarthrocace, gonarthromeningitis, gonarthrosis, gonarthrotomy, gonatagra, gonatalgia, gonatocele, Gonatodes, Gond, Gondal, Gondar, Gondi, gondite, gondoina, gondola, gondola car, gondolas, gondole, gondolet, gondoletta, gondolier, gondwana, Gondwanaland, Gondwanian, gone, gonecyst, gonef, goneness, gonepoiesis, goner, Goneril, gonfalon, gonfalonier, gonfanon, gong, Gongorism, gongster, gongylidius, gongylite, gongylodont, gongyloid, gongylonemiasis, gonia, gonial, goniale, goniasmometer, Goniaulax, gonidia, gonidiferous, gonidimium, gonidiogenous, gonidioid, gonidiophore, gonidium, goniff, gonimoblast, gonimolobe, gonioautoecious, goniocheiloschisis, goniocraniometry, goniocyst, goniodysgenesis, goniohemorrhage, goniometer, goniometric, goniometrical, goniometry, goniomicroscope, gonion, goniophotography, goniophotometer, gonioplasty, goniopuncture, gonioradiometer, gonioscope, gonioscopy, goniospore, goniostat, goniosynechia, goniotome, goniotomy, gonitangium, gonite, gonitis, gonium, gonk, gonna, gonobase, gonoblast, gonoblennorrhea, gonobolia, gonocalyx, gonocheme, gonochorism, gonoclavi, gonococcemia, gonococcide, gonococcin, gonococcocide, gonococcus, gonocoel, gonocoxite, gonocrista, gonocristae, gonocyte, gonocytoma, Gonodactylidae, gonodendrum, gonodiospore, gonoduct, gonof, gonogenesis, go-no-go, gonohemia, gonolobus, gonomery, gononephrocoel, gononephrotome, gonopalpon, gonoph, gonophage, gonophore, gonophyll, gonoplac, gonoplasm, gonopod, gonopoda, gonopodium, gonopoiesis, gonopophysis, gonopore, Gonorhynchidae, gonorrhea, gonorrhoea, gonosaccus, gonosetae, gonosome, gonosomite, gonosphere, gonospore, gonostome, gonostyle, gonostyli, gonostylus, gonotheca, gonotokont, gonotome, gonotoxemia, gonotoxin, gonotreme, gonotyl, gonozooid, gonsogolite, gonyagra, gonyalgia, Gonyaulax, gonybatia, gonycampsis, gonycoria, gonycrotesis, gonyectyposis, gonyerite, gonyocele, gonyodon, gonyoncus, Gonyostomum, gonys, gonystilol, gonytheca, Gonytrichum, gonytyle, gonzo, goo, goober, good, good afternoon, Good Book, good faith, good for, good for nothing, good for you, good form, good fortune, Good Friday, good humor, good looks, good manners, good morning, good nature, good natured, good night, good old days, good Samaritan, good sense, good time, good turn, good will, goodby, good-by, goodbye, good-bye, good-fellowship, good-for-nothing, good-hearted, good-humored, good-humoured, goodie, goodies, goodish, goodliness, good-looking, goodly, goodman, good-mannered, good-natured, good-neighbour, good-neighbourhood, goodness, goodnight, goods, good-sized, goods-train, good-tempered, good-till-cancelled, goodwife, goodwill, good-will, Goodwood, goody, Goodyear, goody-goody, gooey, goof, goofball, goofer, go-off, goof-off, goofproof, goofus, goofy, Google, googly, googo, googol, googolplex, goo-goo, gook, gooky, goon, goonda, goondie, goonery, gooney, gooney bird, goongarrite, goonie, goonies, goons, goop, goopher, goopy, gooral, goosander, goose, goose bump, goose egg, goose flesh, goose grass, goose liver, goose neck, goose skin, goose step, gooseberry, goose-club, gooseflesh, goosefoot, goosegirl, goosegog, gooseherd, gooseneck, goosepen, goosery, gooses, goose-step, goosewing, goosewinged, goosey, goosie, goosy, GOOT, GOP, gopak, Gophacide, gopher, Gopher State, Gopher(+), Gopher(+)server, gophering, gophers, Gopherus, gopi, gopura, GOR, gora, goracco, goral, goran, gorblimey, gorceixite, gorcock, gordaite, Gordiacea, Gordian, gordiasis, Gordiidae, Gordioidea, Gordius, Gordon, Gordon Setter, gordonite, gore, gored, gorevan, gorge, gorgeous, gorgeously, gorger, gorgeret, gorgerin, gorget, gorgeyite, Gorgio, gorgon, Gorgonacea, gorgoneion, Gorgonia, Gorgonian, gorgonin, gorgonize, Gorgonocephalidae, gorgons, Gorgonzola, gorgy, gorhen, Gori, gorilla, gorillas, Gorillaz, gorilloid, gorily, goring, gorite, Gorizia, gork, Gorki, gorlanadite, gorlin, Gorlovka, gorm, gormand, gormandise, gormandize, gormandizer, gormless, goround, gorp, gorra, gorro, gorry, gorse, Gorsedd, gorsgrain, gorsy, Gorton, gory, GOS, gosain, Gosbank, goserelin, gosh, goshawk, Goshen, goshenite, goshpeck, GOSIP, goslarite, gosling, go-slow, gospel, gospeler, gospeller, Gospels, Gosplan, gospodin, gosport, Goss, gossamer, gossamery, gossan, gossberite, gosseletite, gossip, gossiper, gossipist, gossipmonger, gossipy, Gossnab, gossoon, gossylure, gossypetin, gossypii, gossypin, gossypine, gossypitol, gossypitone, gossypitrin, Gossypium, gossyplure, gossypoid, gossypol, gossypose, Gostorg, gosu, got, GOTA, Gotama, gotch, gotcha, gotcher, gote, Goteborg, Goth, Gotha, Gotham, Gothamite, gothardite, gothette, gothic, Gothic arch, Gothic architecture, Gothica, Gothicism, Gothicist, Gothicize, Gothick, gothickry, Gothish, gothite, Gothland, goths, gotist, Gotland, Gotlandian, goto, go-to-meeting, GoTone, GOTS, gotta, gotten, gotter, gotterdammerung, Gottland, Gottwaldov, gotup, got-up, gotzenite, gouache, Gouda, goudron, goudronator, gouge, gougebit, gouge-nippers, gouger, gougerotin, gouges, Gough, gouging, goulard, goulash, Gould, goumier, goundou, goup, goura, gourami, gourbi, gourd, gourde, gourdful, gourds, gourdshaped, goureux, gourmand, gourmandise, gourmandism, gourmet, gout, goutin, goutiness, goutwater, goutweed, gouty, gouy, gov, gov., go-valve, govern, governable, governance, governess, governessy, governing, governing board, governing body, governing class, government, government accounting office, government agency, government bond, government intervention, government man, government office, government security, governmental, governmentalism, governmentalize, governmentese, governments, governor, governor general, governorate, governorship, govt., gow, gowan, Gower, gowk, gown, gowning, gownsman, gowster, gox, goy, Goya, Goyaesque, goyazite, goyim, goyisch, goyische, goyish, goyol, goz, gozes, Gozitan, gozzan, gozzetto, gozzo, GP, GPA, GPAC, G-parity, GPAS, GPass, gpbs, gpc, gpd, GPDC, gpf, GPG, GPH, GPI, GPIB, GPIO, gpl, gpm, GPO, GPOS, GPP, GPPS, GPR, G-protein, GPRS, GPS, GPSP, GPSS, GPSU, GPT, GPU, GPUs, GPV, GR, GRA, Graaf, Graafian, Graafian follicle, grab, grab at, grab sample, grab-all, grabber, grabbing, grabble, grabby, grab-dredge, graben, grabhook, grabs, grabshot, grace, grace cup, Grace Kelly, grace note, graceful, gracefully, graceless, Graces, Gracia, gracias, Gracie, Gracilariidae, gracile, gracilicutes, gracilis, gracility, gracioso, gracious, graciously, grackle, grad, gradability, gradable, Gradall, gradate, gradatim, gradation, gradational, grade, grade crossing, grade school, grade separation, gradeability, gradebuilder, graded, graded-index, gradeline, gradely, grademark, grader, grades, grade-separation, grade-stake, gradfly, Gradgrind, gradient, gradient-board, gradienter, gradin, gradine, grading, gradiograph, gradiomanometer, gradiometer, gradiometry, gradometer, grads, gradual, gradualism, gradualist, gradually, gradualness, graduand, graduate, graduate school, graduate student, graduated, graduated cylinder, graduation, graduator, gradus, Graeae, Graecism, Graeco-, Graf, Graface, graff, graffiti, graffitist, graffito, Grafil, grafing, Grafotox, graft, graftabl, graftage, grafted, grafter, grafting, Grafton, graftonite, graft-rejection, Grag, Gragon, graham, Graham cracker, Grahamella, grahamellosis, grahamflour, grahamism, grahamite, grail, grain, grain alcohol, grain sorghum, Grainal, grain-brush, graincar, graine, grained, grainer, grainfield, graininess, graining, grain-o-vator, grains, grainsick, grainstone, grain-tight, grainvore, grainy, graip, graisse, grait, graith, Grakill, graks, Grallatores, grallatorial, gralloch, gram, gram atom, Gram method, gram molecule, gram negative, Gram positive, Gram stain, grama, gramadan, gramagrass, gramamphophilic, gramamycin, gramarie, gramary, gramarye, gramashes, gram-atom, gram-centimeter, gramdan, gramenite, gram-equivalent, gramercy, Gramevin, gramicidin, graminaceous, gramine, Gramineae, gramineal, gramineous, graminicole, graminicolous, graminifoline, graminin, graminivorous, graminoid, graminomycin, grammage, grammalog, grammalogue, grammar, grammar school, grammarian, gram-mass, grammatical, grammatical gender, grammatical meaning, grammaticality, grammaticalization, grammaticalize, grammaticaster, grammaticize, Grammaticus, grammatist, grammatite, grammatology, gramme, gramme-ion, gramme-molecule, grammer, grammeter, grammite, grammol, gram-molecular, grammy, Grammys, gram-negative, gramnicole, gramophile, gramophone, gramophone record, Gramoxone, gramp, Grampian, gram-positive, gramps, grampus, gram-rad, gram-roentgen, GRAMS, gram-second, Gram-variable, GRAN, grana, Granada, granadero, granadilla, Granados, granary, granatal, granatane, granatanine, granataninol, granatenine, granaticin, granatin, granatohedron, granatoline, granatonine, granatum, granatylamine, grand, grand-, Grand Canal, grand canyon, Grand Canyon National Park, Grand Canyon State, grand duchy, grand duke, grand jury, grand larceny, grand mal, grand master, Grand National, grand opera, grand piano, grand prix, Grand Rapids, Grand River, grand slam, Grand Teton, Grand Teton National Park, grand total, grand tour, grandad, grandaddy, Grandagon, grandam, grandaunt, grandbaby, grandchild, grandchildren, granddad, grand-dad, granddaddy, granddam, granddaughter, grandducal, grande, grandee, Grandemone, grandeur, grandfather, grandfather clause, grandfather clock, grandfatherly, grandidentatus, grandidierite, grandifoliate, grandiloquence, grandiloquent, grandiose, grandiosity, grandioso, Grandisonian, grandite, grandlure, grandly, grandma, grandmama, grandmamma, grandmaster, grandmother, grandmotherly, grandnephew, grandness, grandniece, grandomania, grandpa, grandpapa, grandparent, grandparents, grand-scale, grandsire, grandson, grandstand, grandstander, grandtotal, granduncle, granegillin, granellae, granellarium, grange, granger, grangerise, grangerism, grangerize, grangesite, Granicus, granide, graniferous, graniferus, graniform, graniphyric, granita, granite, Granite State, granite-greisen, granitelle, granite-porphyry, granites, graniteware, granite-wash, granitic, granitification, granitiform, granitite, granitization, granitoid, granitotrachytic, granivore, granivorous, granjeno, grannexe, grannie, granny, Granny Smith, granny-dumping, grano, granoblastic, granodiorite, granodising, granodolerite, granodraw, granogabbro, granola, granolite, granolith, granolithic, granopatic, granophyer, granophyre, granophyric, granoplasm, granose, granosealing, grant, grant in aid, Granta, grant-aided, granted, grantee, granter, Granth, Grantham, Grantiidae, grant-in-aid, grantman, grantmanship, grantor, grantor trust, grantors, grants, grantsman, grantsmanship, granula, granular, granular-crystalline, granularity, granulate, granulated, granulated sugar, granulating, granulation, granulation tissue, granulationn, granulator, granule, granules, granulesten, granuliferous, granuliform, granulin, granulite, granulitic, granulitization, granulo-adipose, granuloblast, granuloblastosis, granulocorpuscle, granulocrine, granulocyte, granulocytemia, granulocytopenia, granulocytopoiesis, granulocytosis, granulofatty, granuloma, granuloma inguinale, granulomatosis, granulomatous, granulomere, granulometer, granulometric, granulometry, granulopenia, granulopexy, granulophthisis, granulophyre, granuloplastic, granulopoiesis, Granuloreticulosia, granulosa, granulosarcoid, granulose, granulosis, granulosity, granulotherapy, granulous, granum, granumthylakoid, grape, grape juice, grape sugar, grape vine, grape-brandy, grapefruit, grapefruit juice, grapelet, grapery, grapes, grapeshot, grapestone, grapevine, grapey, graph, graph paper, graphalloy, graphanesthesia, graphechon, graphecon, graphematic, grapheme, graphemic, graphemics, grapher, graphic, graphic symbol, graphicacy, graphical, graphical user interface, graphically, graphicate, graphic-recording, graphics, Graphidaceae, graphidox, graphing, graphiohexaster, graphique, graphite, graphited, graphite-gneiss, graphite-pipe, graphite-schist, graphitic steel, graphitiferous, graphitization, graphitize, graphitizer, graphitizing, graphitoid, graphitoidal, graphiure, graphoid, graphold, grapholite, grapholith, graphologist, graphology, graphomania, graphomaniac, graphometer, graphometry, graphomotor, Graphon, graphonomy, graphopathology, graphophone, graphorrhea, graphoscope, graphospasm, graphotest, graphotherapy, graphotype, graphotyper, graphy, grapnel, grappa, grapple, grappler, grappling, grappling-iron, Grapsidae, graptolite, Graptolithina, Graptoloidea, graptoloids, Graptozoa, grapy, GRAS, graser, grasex, Grasmere, grasp, graspable, grasper, grasping, grass, grass plains, grass roots, grass skirt, grass snake, grass tree, grass widow, grass widower, grass-blade, grass-bleached, grassbox, Grasse, grasseater, grassed, grasserie, grasseriomycin, grasses, grassfinch, grasshook, grasshopper, grass-hopper, grassiness, grassing, grassland, grassless, Grassmannian, grassplot, grassquit, grass-remover, grassroots, grass-roots, grass-sickness, Grasstex, grasswork, grassy, grat, grate, gratebar, grated, grated cheese, gratee, grateful, gratefully, grater, Gratian, graticle, graticulate, graticulation, graticule, gratification, gratify, gratifying, gratin, gratinee, grating, gratingly, gratings, gratiogenin, Gratiola, gratioligenin, gratiolin, gratis, gratitude, gratonite, grattage, gratte-ciel, gratuitous, gratuity, gratulant, gratulate, gratulation, gratulatory, graunch, graunchy, graupel, Graustark, grauwacke, grav, gravamen, grave, graveclothes, gravedigger, gravel, gravel pit, gravel-blind, gravelly, gravelmine, gravelrash, gravelstone, gravel-voiced, gravelwalk, gravely, graven, graven image, graveness, Gravenhurst, Gravenstein, graver, graverobber, graves, Gravesian, graveside, gravestone, Gravette, Gravettian, graveward, graveyard, graveyard shift, gravicembalo, gravics, gravid, gravida, gravidarum, gravidic, gravidin, gravidism, graviditas, gravidity, gravidocardiac, gravific, Gravigrada, gravigrade, gravimeter, gravimetric, gravimetric analysis, gravimetrical, gravimetroscope, gravimetry, graving, graving dock, gravipause, graviperception, graviphoton, graviplanation, gravirecepter, gravireceptor, Gravisat, graviscalar, gravisphere, gravistatic, gravitacheometer, gravitas, gravitate, gravitating, gravitation, gravitational, gravitational constant, gravitational field, gravitational force, gravitational mass, gravitino, gravitometer, graviton, gravitron, gravitropism, gravity, gravity wave, gravity-fed, gravity-feeder, gravity-free, gravitytide, gravlax, gravure, gravy, gravy boat, gravy train, graw, gray, gray market, gray matter, gray whale, grayanotoxin, grayback, graybeard, graybody, graycoat, grayed, grayer, grayest, gray-faced, gray-headed, grayhound, graying, grayish, grayite, graylag, grayling, grayly, graymail, grayness, grayout, graypate, graysby, grayscale, Grayson, graystone, graywacke, graywall, grayware, graywater, Graz, graze, graze on, grazed, grazer, grazes, Grazie, grazier, graziery, grazing, grazing fire, grazing land, grazioso, GRB, GRBM, GRC, grd, GRE, grease, grease gun, grease monkey, greaseball, grease-box, greasebush, greased, greaseless, grease-making, greasenut, greasepaint, greaseproof, grease-proof, greaseproof paper, grease-proofness, greaser, greases, greasewood, greaseworker, greasily, greasiness, greasing, greasingsubstance, greasy, greasy spoon, greasy-box, great, great ape, great attractor, great auk, Great Australian Bight, great barrier reef, Great Bear, Great Britain, great circle, Great Dane, Great Depression, great divide, Great Dividing Range, Great Dog, Great Falls, great fun, great horned owl, great lakes, Great Plains, great power, great pyrenees, great quantities of, Great Rift Valley, Great Salt Lake, Great Schism, Great Seal, Great Slave Lake, Great Smoky Mountains, great toe, Great Wall, Great Wall of China, Great War, Great White Way, great-aunt, greatcoat, greaten, greater, Greater Antilles, Greater London, greater omentum, Greater Sunda Islands, greatest, greatest common divisor, great-grandchild, great-granddaughter, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, great-grandparent, great-grandson, great-great-granddaughter, great-great-grandfather, great-great-grandmother, great-great-grandson, greathearted, great-hearted, greatly, great-nephew, greatness, great-niece, great-power, great-uncle, greave, greaves, grebe, grebo, grecale, Grecian, Grecianize, Grecism, Grecize, Greco, Greco-, Greco-Roman, gredag, Gree, Greece, greed, greedily, greediness, greedoid, greedy, greedy-guts, Greeffiellidae, greegree, Greek, Greek Church, Greek cross, Greek fire, Greek Orthodox, greek orthodox church, Greeks, Greeley, green, green algae, green back, Green Bay, green bean, green belt, green card, green dragon, green fingers, green frog, green gold, green grocery, green light, green manure, Green Mountain State, green mountains, green onion, Green Paper, green pepper, green revolution, Green River, green sand, green snake, green tea, green thumb, green turtle, green wood, greenalite, greenback, Greenback Party, green-backing, greenball, green-ball, greenbelt, greenblack, green-blind, greenblindness, greenboard, greenbottle, greenbrier, greenbug, greenbul, Greene, Greeneian, Greeneland, greener, greenery, green-eyed, greenfeed, greenfields, greenfinch, greenfly, greengaga, greengage, greengrocer, greengrocery, greenheart, greenhide, greenhorn, greenhouse, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gas, Greenian, greenie, greening, greenish, greenish yellow, greenism, greenkeeper, Greenland, Greenland Sea, Greenlander, Greenlandic, greenlandite, greenleek, greenlet, greenlight, greenling, greenlining, greenly, greenmail, greenness, Greenock, greenockite, Greenough, greenoughite, greenovite, Greenpeace, green-pressing, greenroader, greenroom, green-room, greens, Greensalt, greensand, green-sand, Greensboro, greenschist, greenshank, greenshaving, green-shaving, greensick, greensickness, greenskeeper, green-stain, greenster, greenstick fracture, greenstone, greenstuff, greensward, greenth, Greenville, greenvitriot, greenware, greenwash(ing), greenwashing, greenway, greenweed, greenweight, green-weight, Greenwich, Greenwich mean time, Greenwich meridian, Greenwich time, Greenwich Village, greenwing, greenwinged, greenwood, greeny, greenyard, grees, greet, greeted, greeter, greeting, greeting card, greetings, greffier, Greg, gregale, gregaloid, gregariae, gregarina, gregarine, Gregarinia, gregarinian, Gregarinidea, gregariniform, gregarinulae, gregarious, gregariousness, gregaritic, gregarization, gregarous, gregation, grege, grego, Gregor, Gregor Mendel, gregorian, Gregorian calendar, Gregorian chant, Gregorian telescope, gregorite, Gregory, greige, greinerite, greisen, greisenization, gremial, gremlin, gremlins, gremmie, grena, Grenada, grenade, grenade-discharger, grenades, grenade-thrower, Grenadian, grenadier, grenadilla, grenadine, Grenai, Grenaille, grenatite, Grendel, grengesite, Grenoble, grens, Grenvillian, grep, Grepo, gression, gressorial, Greta, Greta Garbo, Gretchen, grette, grevillol, grew, grewsome, Grex, grey, grey area, grey market, grey matter, grey wolf, greyback, greybeard, greybody, greycing, greycoat, greyfish, greyhen, greyhound, greying, greyish, greyish-green, greyish-white, greylag, greyly, Greymouth, greyness, greyout, grey-out, greys, greyskin, greystone, grey-tin, greywacke, greywethers, greyzem, grg, GRI, gribble, griblet, grice, grid, gridbias, gridder, gridding, grid-dipmeter, griddle, griddlecake, griddler, griddles, gride, grider, gridiron, gridironvalve, gridistor, grid-loaded, gridlock, grids, grid-tuned, grief, griefbowed, grief-stricken, Grieg, grievance, grievant, grieve, grieved, grievous, grievously, griff, griffe, Griffin, Griffith, griffithite, griffon, grift, grifter, grifulvin, grig, grigger, grigio, Grignard, Grignardreagent, grigri, grike, grill, grill room, grillage, grille, grilled, grilling, grillroom, grills, grillwork, grilse, grim, Grim Reaper, grimace, grimalkin, grime, Grimes, grimily, griminess, grimly, Grimm, Grimmiales, grimness, Grimsby, grimy, grin, grinch, grind, grind out, grind up, grindability, Grindela, grinder, grinder-polisher, grinders, grindery, grinding, grinding machine, grinding wheel, grindingcone, grinding-in, grindingly, grindings, grindle, grindstone, grindstone-trough, gringo, grining, grinner, grinningly, griotte, grip, gripe, griper, gripes, gripesack, griphite, griphtie, gripman, grippage, grippe, gripped, gripper, grippers, gripping, gripple, grippy, grips, gripsack, gript, GRIS, grisaille, grisamine, griscent, grisein, Griselda, griselimycin, griseoflavin, griseofulvin, griseolutein, griseolutin, griseomycin, griseorhodin, griseous, griseoviridin, grisette, grisgris, griskin, grisliness, grisly, grism, grison, grisorixin, grisounite, grisoutite, grisovin, grissaille, Grissel, grissino, grist, grist mill, gristcase, gristle, gristly, gristmill, grists, grit, gritcrete, grith, grits, gritstone, gritter, grittiness, gritty, grivation, grivet, grizzle, grizzled, grizzly, grizzly bear, grizzlyman, GRM, GRO, groan, groaning, groans, groat, groatcake, groats, Grobian, grocer, groceries, grocery, grocery bag, grocery store, groceryman, groceteria, grockling, Groeberiidae, Groenendael, grog, groggery, groggily, groggy, grogram, grogshop, groid, groin, grok, Grolier, Gromiida, grommet, grommets, gromwell, gronk, Gronland, groom, groomed, grooming, groomsman, groove, grooveability, grooved, groovelike, groover, groovine, grooving, groovox, groovy, grope, grope for, groping, gropingly, groping-reflex, Gropper, gros, Gros Ventre, grosbeak, groschen, grosgrain, gross, gross anatomy, gross domestic product, gross margin, gross national product, gross profit, gross profit margin, gross revenue, gross sales, gross ton, gross-austausch, grossdeutsch, grosser, gross-fission-product, gross-heat-conductivity, grossing-up, grossinvestment, grossly, grossness, grosso modo, grossout, grossular, grossularite, grosul, grosvener siraitia, Grosvenor, grosz, groszy, grot, Grote, grotesque, grotesquely, grotesquerie, grotesquery, Grotian, Groton, grotto, grottos, grotty, grouch, grouchily, grouchy, ground, ground ball, ground bass, ground beetle, ground cherry, ground control, ground cover,


3G, 401(K), a,



Zhu's idea was to convince her friends to work with her and open more guesthouses together.



And then at night you would just stay in a guesthouse?



On the way to city hall from the guesthouse, I spied few pedestrians.



It was now -8C, still not cold enough, the woman in my guesthouse complained.



At night we'd usually stay, yeah, we stayed in guesthouses, yeah.



Her guesthouses' few rooms couldn't accommodate all the guests who wanted to stay.


BBC 听力 2016年10月合集

The authorities have been concerned that the former guesthouse would attract neo-Nazis worshippers of Hitler.


BBC 听力 2015年5月合集

Police in the Afghan capital Kabul say heavily-armed insurgents have stormed a guesthouse in a upmarket neighborhood of the city.


BBC 听力 2012年12月合集

The bomber struck as Afghanistan's intelligence chief, Asadullah Khalid was meeting officials in a Kabul guesthouse.



So this is a farm and a guesthouse that is in a remote valley of the Westfjords.



Not only is it a museum, it is also a guesthouse.



The house is a museum and a guesthouse.


2005 ESLPod

It could be someone that you rent the guesthouse to.


老友记Friends 第十季

We can turn this one into a guesthouse!


2005 ESLPod

The neighbors " decided to renovate their garage and turn it into a guesthouse" .

邻居们“决定翻新他们车库, 把它变成宾馆” 。

Elllo INT4

What do you do at night at the guesthouse?



And then at night you would just stay in a guesthouse?


2005 ESLPod

My neighbors rented their guesthouse to " a nice widow" " .Widow" is (widow).


Level 8 07.Sherlock Holmes(36篇完结)

He was not a stranger, having lodged twice in the nearby guesthouses.



At night we'd usually stay, yeah, we stayed in guesthouses, yeah.




grungy, grunion, grunt, grunter, Grunth, grunting, gruntle, gruntled, gruntling, grunts,


3G, 401(K), a,
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