To use the hackneyed phrase, here he found himself.
He seemed to express himself with difficulty, as though words were not the medium with which his mind worked; and you had to guess the intentions of his soul by hackneyed phrases, slang, and vague, unfinished gestures.
More serious possibilities include the dreary, hackneyed Warriors; the Redtails, honouring the black Tuskegee Airmen, who fought in the second world war; and the Red Wolves, which like the Redtails would let the team keep its burgundy- and-gold colours.
Looking at the thumbnail rundowns in Writer's Digest may help ( “… publishes mostly mainstream fiction, 2,000-4,000 words, steer clear of stereotyped characters and hackneyed romance situations” ) , but a thumbnail is, leave us face it, just a thumbnail.
看看《作家文摘》里面那些短小提要大概会对你有所启发(“… … 主要刊登主流小说,长度大约两千到四千单词,注意避免僵化脸谱式人物或俗气老套浪漫场”),但话说回来,提要终究只提要而已。