Our soldiers bravely fought hand to hand with the enemy.
Waiting two years for you to hand me something.
68 We passed the buckets from hand to hand.
" Legends about a wand—or wands—that have been passed from hand to hand by murder."
For the next seven months, 500,000 men wage hand to hand combat with an invisible enemy.
接下来7个月 有50万人将携手与看不见的敌人奋战。
Today, the two rivals reached a preliminary deal for Hamas to hand Gaza back to the Palestinian Authority.
They throng again to the breach, and the pass is disputed, hand to hand, and man to man.
We need to run together and pass the ball from hand to hand until we get to it.
" Dragons, " said Mollander. He snatched a withered apple off the ground and tossed it hand to hand.
" 龙," 莫兰德,从地上抓起一只干瘪的苹果,在双手之间丢来丢去。
Then the stones passed from hand to hand, and did no end of damage.
然后石头从一只手传到另一只手, 造成的伤害没完没了。
They struggled silently, hand to hand, and Arthur knew that his strength was greater.
他们无声地挣扎着, 手拉着手,亚瑟知他的力量更大。
This took a disgusting amount of hours for people to hand embroider this whole thing.
If I waited for someone to hand them to me, well...
This was accompanied by a broad understanding for the desire to now hand over my role to the Prince of Orange.
Again, that was the biggest sentence ever to be handed down for such a crime at the time.
Moses also initiated the Seventy Elders into these secrets, and they in turn transmitted them from hand to hand.
摩西也向七十长老启迪这些秘密, 他们依次将这些秘密传授其他人。
The church seemed well prepared for such a large-scale event as staff handed out hand sanitizer and surgical masks to all attendees.
" The Elder Wand is the Hallow that is most easily traced, because of the way in which it passes from hand to hand."
At length Christian lost rapidly; and presently, to his horror, the whole fifty guineas belonging to Thomasin had been handed over to his adversary.
After receiving the charge with every mark of derision, the pupils formed in line and buzzingly passed a ragged book from hand to hand.
The American Secretary of State John Kerry has warned Syria the plans for it to hand over its chemical weapons are not a game.