You must be imaginative, strong hearted.
It's a centuries old tradition and not for the faint hearted.
Is there love in your heart today or are you tender hearted?
今天 你心里是充满了爱 还是比较温和?
Sometimes I try to sit and take deep breaths or watch a light hearted movie.
It should hurt. She should be desolate, broken hearted, ready to scream at fate.
They felt very sorry for him, broken hearted and riding home to no better comfort than Scarlett.
Because Bill was caring and kind hearted and he always made me laugh if I was sad.
因为比尔很有爱心 他总是在我难过时候逗我笑。
Frank's just too soft hearted, and people take advantage of him.
Half hearted attempts were made to postpone this impending catastrophe; the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1853.
人们不无决心地试图推迟这灾难到来 1850年妥协方案和1853年堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法案。
Back in the 1980s, Paula Abdul had her song " Cold-Hearted Snake."
回到 1980 年代, 宝拉·阿卜杜勒 (Paula Abdul) 创作了她歌曲《冷心蛇》(Cold-Hearted Snake)。
It open hearted and open-minded words sounded like an oracle.
The strong hearted and strong-bodied workers strove for their rights, no strings attached!
I can't drive men" . " God's nightgown! Johnnie's a wonder at it. Ashley, you are just too soft hearted.
我不可能逼着人干活。" " 见鬼去吧!约翰尼干得可好了!艾希礼,你就是心肠太软。
She, after being down- hearted for an extremely short while, continued to maintain her respect.
她在短暂消沉之后, 依然保持着敬意。
Oh, why couldn't she feel like those other women! They were whole hearted and sincere in their devotion to the Cause.
But we can also use plotting in a more light hearted way, can't we? We can, yeah.
但我们也可以以更轻松方式使用绘图,不是吗? 我们可以,是。
Or maybe you fancy something a little more light hearted, but still in the science realm.
或者你可能喜欢一些更轻松东西 但仍然是在科学领域。
The journey you're embarking on here with mft28 it's not for the ill hearted or the weak natured.
您在这里与 mft28 一起踏上旅程不适合心地善良或天性软弱人。
You know, there's a reason this is called Hug Club and not Half-Hearted Pat on the Back Club.
To which these gurus only offer a half hearted, " sending love and light, " further distancing themselves from the problem.