Not I; unless the breath of heartsick groans, mist-like, infold me from the search of eyes.
Just go in there, act all heartsick, and tell her you want to have high tea.
The universe has good news for the lost and heartsick.
If that is true, slit my throat and have done with it. He was dizzy from the wine, tired and heartsick.
" 倘若真是这样,那快快割了我喉咙,做个了结。" 酒劲涌,他身心俱疲,头脑昏沉。
Henry's looking back at him, beautiful and vital and heartsick and still, always, the person Alex is willing to risk ruining his life for.
亨利回头看着他, 美丽、充满活、令人心碎,是亚历克斯愿意冒着毁掉自己一生的风险的人。
He declares that ninety per cent of the men who start selling life insurance get so heartsick and discouraged that they give it up within a year.
他宣称,90% 开始销售人寿保险的人都因为心痛和沮丧而在一年内放弃了。
She could not make up her mind whether she was as carefree as she seemed or whether, hurt, angry, or heartsick; she was putting on a bold front to conceal her wounded feelings.
她无法确定自己是像表面那样无忧无虑, 还是感到受伤、生气或心痛。 她装出一副大胆的样子来掩饰她受伤的感情。