| 划词

They felt that she was holding back something.



Phil walked forward confidently but something held Ben back.



Trent held the jib back, sailing the catamaran stern on.

a square-sterned vessel。


She couldn't hold back her tears any longer and wept aloud.

她再也忍不住了, 大声哭泣起来。


They built dykes and dam to hold back the rising flood waters.



His friends were holding him back and telling him to cool it, but he broke free and punched the barman on the nose.



City manager John Tierney said the plans to redevelop and regenerate the city would not be held back despite the downturn in the building sector.




ascertainable, ascertainableproduction, ascertainment, ascesis, ascetic, ascetical, ascetically, asceticism, Asch, Ascham, ascharite, aschelminth, Aschelmintha, ascheturesis, aschistic, aschistite, Aschiza, asci, ascidean, Ascidiacea, ascidian, ascidiology, ascidium, asciferous, ascigerous, ASCII, ASCII character set, ascites, ascitic, ascitogenous, asclepiad, asclepiadaceous, Asclepiadean, Asclepiadic, asclepin, Asclepius, ASCO, ascocarp, ascocarpous, ascoceracone, ascocone, ascoconidiophore, ascoconidium, ascogone, ascogonial, ascogonium, Ascohymeniales, Ascoidium, ascolichen, Ascoloy, ascoma, ascomycete, ascomycetes, ascomycetous, ascon, ascophore, ascoplasm, ascopore, ascorbate, ascorbemia, ascorbic, ascorbic acid, ascorbigen, ascorbimetry, ascorbinase, ascorbinometrictitration, ascorburia, ascospore, ascosporic, ascosporous, ascosporulation, ascostroma, ascot, Ascothoracica, ascovirus, ascribable, ascribe, ascribed, ascription, ASCS, ASCU, Asculum, ascurogenin, ascus, ASD, ASDB, ASDF, Asdic, as-drawn, ASE, asea, ASEAN, aseasonal, ASEB, asebogenin, asebogenol, asebotoxin, asebotoxins, ASEE, aseismatic, aseismic, aseity, Aselloidea, Asellota, ASEM, asemantide, asemasia, asemia, asepalous, asepsin, asepsis, aseptamide, aseptate, aseptic, asepticism, asepticize, ASESA, asexual, asexuality, asexualization, asexualize, asexually, ASF, ASFA, ASFIS, as-forged, Asgard, ash, Ash Wednesday, ASHA, ashake, ashamed, Ashanti, Ashbery, ashbin, ash-bin, ashcake, ashcan, Ashcan School, ashcroftine, Ashdod, Ashe, ashed, ashen, Asher, ashery, ashes, ashet, Asheville, Ashford, Ashgabat, Ashgillian, ashhole, Ashikaga, ashimmer, ashine, ashing, ashiver, Ashkelon, Ashkenazi, Ashkenazim, Ashkenazy, ash-key, Ashkhabad, ashlar, ashlared, ashlaring, ashler, ashlering, ashless, Ashley, ashman, ashore, ashpan, ash-pan, ashpit, ashplant, Ashqelon, ASHRAE, ashram, ashstone, Ashtaroth, Ashton, ashtonite, Ashton-under-Lyne, Ashtoreth, ashtray, ashtrays, ashtree, ashtuff, Ashur, Ashura, Ashurbanipal, ashy, ASI, Asia, Asia Minor, Asiadollar, Asiago, asialia, asialism, Asian, Asian American, Asiana, Asianic, Asianization, Asians, Asiatic, Asiatic cholera, asiaticoside, ASIC, Asics, ASID, aside, A-side, aside from, asiderite, ASII, Asilan, Asilidae, Asimov, Asin, asinine, asininity, Asir, ASIS, ASIST, asitia, ASJA, ask, ask after, ask for, ask for it, ask for trouble, Aska, askance, Askania, askanite, askant, Askarel, askari, asker, askesis, askew, asking, asking price, ASL, ASLA, aslant, ASLE, asleep, ASLEF, ASLI, ASLIB, ASLO, aslope, aslosh, ASLT, ASM, asmanite, Asmara, AsMask, ASMD, ASME, ASMI, ASMME, ASMO, Asmodeus, ASMS, ASN, ASNE, ASNT, ASO, ASOC, asocial, Asoka, asomatognosia, asomatous, asomnia, ASON, asonant, asonia, Asonkobi, asophia, asopinae, ASOS, Asosan, asp, ASPAC, asparaginase, asparagine, asparagolite, asparagus, asparagus fern, asparamide, aspartame, aspartase, aspartate, asparthione, aspartic acid, aspartocin, aspartokinase, aspartoyl, aspartyl, Aspasia, aspatite, ASPC, ASPCA, ASPDE, aspect, aspect ratio, aspectant, aspection, aspects, aspectual, ASPEdit, aspen, asper, asperate, asperge, Asperger, asperges, aspergill, Aspergillaceae, Aspergillales, aspergillar, aspergillin, aspergilloma, aspergillomycosis, aspergillosis, aspergillotoxicosis, aspergillum, aspergillus, aspergillustoxicosis, aspergin, asperginon, asperifoliate, asperite, asperity, aspermatic, aspermatism, aspermatogenesis, aspermia, aspermous, asperomagnetism, asperromagnetism, asperse, aspersion, aspersions, aspersorium, aspersory, aspertoxin, asperuloside, ASPF, asphalt, asphaltene, asphaltic, asphaltine, asphalting, asphaltite, asphaltization, asphaltmastic, asphaltogenic, asphaltos, asphaltprimer, asphalt-spreader, asphaltum, aspheric, aspherical, asphericity, aspheric-mirror, aspherics, aspherizing, asphodel, asphradium, asphyctic, asphyctous, asphygmia, asphyxia, asphyxial, asphyxiant, asphyxiate, asphyxiation, asphyxiator, asphyxy, aspic, aspiculamycin, aspidiaria, aspidin, aspidinol, aspidiopsoriasis, Aspidiotinae, aspidistra, Aspidium, Aspido-cotylea, Aspidogastrea, Aspidogastridae, Aspidorhynchidae, Aspidorhynchiformes, aspidosamine, aspidosoma, aspidospermine, aspirant, aspirate, aspirated, aspirating, aspiration, aspiration pneumonia, aspirator, aspiratory, aspire, aspired, aspirer, aspirin, aspiring, aspirins, aspirochyl, aspis, aspish, aspishly, aspite, asplenia, asplenic, Aspon, aspondyl, aspongopus, asporogenic, asporogenous, asportation, a-spot, aspoxicillin, asprawl, aspuint, AspxBBS, ASQC, as-quenched, asquint, asquish, Asquith, ASR, ASRAAM, ASRC, ASRE, ASROC, ASRock, as-rolled, ASRS, ass, ass., Assab, Assad, assafetida, assagai, assai, assail, assailable, assailant, assailment, Assam, Assamese, assart, assassin, assassinate, assassination, assassinator, assault, assault and battery, assault gun, assault rifle, assaultable, assaulter, assaultive, assaultiveness, assaults, assay, assayer, assaying, assegai, Asselian, assemblage, assemblagist, assemble, assemble-and-go, assembled, assembler, assembling, assembly, assembly hall, assembly language, assembly line, assembly man, assembly plant, assembly program, assemblyman, assemblywoman, assent, assentation, assentient, assentive, assentor, Asser, assert, assert oneself, assertation, assertative, asserted, assertedly, assertion, assertive, assertively, assertiveness, assertiveness training, assertor, assertorily, assertory, asses, assess, assessable, assessee, assessment, assessor, asset, assets, asset-stripping, asseverate, asseveration, asshead, assheaded, assheadedness, asshole, Asshur, assibilate, assibilation, assident, assiduity, assiduous, assiduously, assify, assign, assignability, assignable, assignat, assignation, assigned, assignee, assigner, assignment, assignments, assignmentsymbol, assignor, assimilability, assimilable, assimilado, assimilate, assimilation, assimilationism, assimilationist, assimilative, assimilator, assimilatory, Assiniboin, assise, Assisi, assist, assistance, assistant, assistant professor, assistantship, assistive, assistor, assize, assizes, ass-kisser, assn., Assoc, associability, associable, associate, associate degree, associate professor, associate with, associatecurve, associated, associateddislocation, Associates Activities, associateship, association, association area, association cortex, association football, association theory, associational, associationism, associationist, associative, associativity, associator, associatron, associes, assoeted, assoil, assoluta, assonance, assonant, assonate, assort, assortative, assortative mating, assorted, assorter, assorting, assortive, assortment, ASSR, ASST, asst., assuage, assuagement, assuasive, assuetude, assula, assumable, assumably, assume, assume control of, assumed, assumed name, assumedly, assuming, assumingly, assumpsit, assumption, assumptive, Assur, assurable, assurance, Assurbanipal, assure, assured, assuredly, assuredness, assurer, assurgent, assurin, assuring, assuringly, assuror, Assyria, Assyrian, Assyriologist, Assyriology, AST, ASTA, A-stability, astable, ASTAC, astacene, Astacidae, astacin, Astacinae, A-stage, Astaire, Astana, ASTAP, astarboard, Astarte, astasia, astasia-abasia, astatic, astatically, astaticism, astatide, astatine, astatische, astatism, astatium, astatization, astatki, astatotyrosine, astaxanthin, ASTC, ASTE, asteatosis, Asteidae, astel, astemizole, aster, aster-, asteraceous, astereocognosy, astereognosis, asteria, asterial, asteriasterol, asteriated, asterid, Asteriidae, asterin, Asterinidae, asterinoid, asterion, asteriscus, asterisk, asterism, asterium, Asterix, asterixis, astern, asternal, astern-turbine, asteroid, asteroid belt, asteroidal, Asteroidea, asteroidean, asteroid-hyalitis, asteroite, asteromycin, Asterope, Asteroschematidae, asterospondylous, Asterothecaceae, Asterozoa, astersaponin, astetatodes, Asth, asthenia, asthenic, asthenobiosis, asthenocora, asthenogenia, asthenolith, asthenometer, asthenope, asthenophobia, asthenopia, asthenopic, asthenospermia, asthenospher, asthenosphere, asthenoxia, asthma, asthmagenic, asthmatic, asthmatoid, asthmatorthopnea, asthmogenic, asthore, Asti, ASTIA, Astian, Asticcacaulis, astichous, astictus, astigma, astigmagraph, astigmat, Astigmata, astigmatic, astigmatical, astigmation, astigmatism, astigmatizer, astigmatometer, astigmatometry, astigmator, astigmatoscope, astigmatoscopy, astigmia, astigmometer, astigmometry, astigmoscope, astilbe, astilbin, astillen, astir, ASTM, ASTME, astogeny, Astolat, as-told-to, Astomatida, astomatous, astomia, astomous, Aston, astonied, astonish, astonished, astonishing, astonishment, ASTOR, Astoria, Astors, astound, astounding, astoundment, ASTP, ast-pulley, ASTRA, astrachan, astraddle, Astraea, astraeid, astrafoil, astragal, astragalar, astragalectomy, astragali, astragalin, astragalofibular, astragalomancy, astragalus, astrakanite, astrakhan, astral, Astralene, astralite, Astralon, astrand, astraphobia, astrapia, astrapophobia, Astrapotheria, Astrapotheroidea, astration, astray, Astrea, astrict, astriction, astrictive, Astrid, astride, astringe, astringency, astringent, astringently, astringer, astrionics, ASTRO, astro-, astroarchaeology, astroasthenia, astroballistics, astrobiological, astrobiologist, astrobiology, astrobionics, astroblast, astroblastoma, astrobleme, astrobotan, astrobotany, ASTROC, astrocamera, Astrocarb, astrocele, astrocenter, astrochanite, astrochemistry, astrochronology, astroclimate, astroclimatology, astrocoele, astrocompass, astrocyte, astrocytoblast, astrocytoma, astrocytosis, Astrocytus, astrodome, astrodynamics, astrofibroblastoma, astrogate, astrogation, astrogator, astrogeodesy, astrogeodynamics, astrogeography, astrogeology, astrogeophysics, astroglia, astrognosy, astrogony, astrogram, astrograph, astrographic, astrography, astrogravimetric, astroid, astrolabe, astrolater, astrolatry, astrolithology, Astroloft, astrologer, astrologian, astrologic, astrological, astrologist, astrologous, astrology, Astroloy, astroma, astromagnetism, astromancer, astromancy, astromantic, astrometeorology, astrometer, astrometry, astromicin, astron, astronaut, astronautess, astronautic, astronautical, astronautically, astronautics, astronavigation, astronegative, astronics, astronomer, astronomic, astronomical, astronomical body, astronomical telescope, astronomical unit, astronomically, astronomy, Astropectinidae, astrophile, astrophotocamera, astrophotogram, astrophotograph, astrophotography, astrophotometer, astrophotometry, astrophyllite, astrophysical, astrophysicist, astrophysics, astropolarimeter, astropologist, astropyle, astrorhiza, astrorhizae, astrosclereide, astroscope, astroseismology, astrospace, astrospectrograph, astrospectrometer, astrospectroscopy, astrosphere, astrostereogram, astrotaxis, astrotel, astrotelevision, astrotracker, Astroturf, astrovehicle, astrovelocimeter, astrut, astucious, Asturian, Asturias, astute, astutely, astuteness, asty, Astyanax, astylar, astyphia, astysia, ASU, A-subduction, A-submarine, Asuka, asulam, asulfurosis, Asulox, Asuncion, asunder, Asura, Asure, ASUS, Asustek, ASUW, ASV, asverin, ASW, Aswan, Aswan Dam, Aswan High Dam, Aswandam, aswarm, asway, as-welded, aswirl, aswoon, ASWP, asylee, asyllabic, asylum, asylums, asymbolia, asymmeter, asymmetric, asymmetrical, asymmetricalinterchange, asymmetrin, asymmetry, asymphylodorasis, asymptomatic, asymptomatically, asymptote, asymptotic, asymptotical, asynapsis, async, asynchronism, asynchronization, asynchronous, asynchronous operation, asynchronous transfer mode, asynchrony, asynclitism, asyndetic, asyndeton, asynechia, asynergia, asynergy, asynesia, asynovia, asyntactic, asyntatic, asyntrophy, asystole, asystolic, Asyut, at, at a glance, at a guess, at a loose end, at a loss, at a low price, at a premium, at a rate of, at a run, at a speed of, at a stretch, at a stroke, at a time, at all, at all costs, at all events, at all times, at an angle, at any cost, at any price, at any rate, at best, at birth, at bottom, at breakfast, at close range, at fault, at first, at first blush, at first glance, at first sight, at full blast, at full tilt, at great length, at hand, at heart, at home, at intervals, at its best, at large, at last, at least, at leisure, at length, at liberty, at long last, at maturity, at most, at night, at no time, at noon, at once, at one stroke, at one time, at present, at random, at regular intervals, at school, at sea, at six, at stake, at the age of, at the back, at the back of, at the beginning of, at the bottom, at the cost of, at the edge of, at the end, at the end of, at the foot of, at the front of, at the head of, at the instance of, at the last moment, at the latest, at the least, at the mercy of, at the moment, at the most, at the opposite extreme, at the outset, at the peak of, at the rate of, at the request of, at the same time, at the sight of, at the suggestion of, at the thought of, at the time, at the top of, at the weekend, at the word of command, at the worst, at this time of year, at times, at variance, at war, at weekends, at will, at work, AT&T, at.no., at.wt., ata, atabal, Atabalipa, atabrine, atabrium, Atacama Desert, atacamite, atactic, atactilia, atactostele, ataghan, Atahualpa, Atalanta, ataman, atamasco, atap, Atar, ataractic, ataralgesia, atarax, ataraxia, ataraxic, ataraxy, Atari, ataunt, atavic, atavism, atavist, atavistic, atavus, ataxaphasia, ataxia, ataxiameter, ataxia-telangiectasia, ataxic, ataxinomic, ataxiophemia, ataxiophobia, ataxite, ataxitic, ataxonomic, ataxy, ATB, Atbara, ATBM, ATC, ATCC, ATCE, Atchafalaya, Atchison, ATCRBS, ATCS, AT-cut, atd, Atdabanian, ate, A-team, Atebrin, atebrine, atechnic, atectonic, atelectasis, atelectatic, ateleiosis, atelencephalia, atelene, Ateleopoidae, atelestite, atelia, atelic, atelier, ateliosis, ateliotic, atelocardia, atelocephalous, atelocheilia, ateloencephalia, atelognathia, atelomitic, Atelopcdidae, atelopodia, ateloprosopia, Atelostomata, atelostomia, atelotachidia, atemoya, atempo, atemporal, Aten, Atenism, atenolol, atephobia, ater, atergo, Aterian, aterite, aterre, aterrimin, aterrimus, ATES, A-test, ATEX, ATF, AT-feeder, ATG, Atget, ATGM, ATH, Athabasca, Athabaskan, Athalamida, athalamous, athalposis, athambia, athanasia, Athanasian, Athanasian Creed, Athanasius, athanasy, Athapascan, Atharva-Veda, athecate, atheism, atheist, atheistic, atheistical, Athel, athelia, atheling, Athelney, Athelstan, athematic, Athena, athenaeum, Athenai, Athene, atheneum, Athenian, Athens, atheoretical, atherine, Atherinidae, Atheriniformes, athermal, athermallize,


3G, 401(K), a,



Change cannot be held back by frontiers.



Refuse to hold yourself back, and dare to dream big.



Was I being held back by my choice of clothing?



He is clearly holding back his tears.


NPR音讯 2016年12月合集

Usually brash and confident, he held back tears acknowledging defeat.



And that bias has held us back.



And never let it hold you back.


NPR音讯 2015年7月合集

And he said that that's holding back the Kenyan economy, holding back Kenya in many ways.



But that bad habit is holding them back.



This has held back a lot of research.'


摩登家庭第九季_Modern Family-Season09

Mom, Mom! ... and later hold her hair back.


Lost Girl S05

I was held back from saving her once.

上次我能救她时 我犹豫了。


So, you know, what's holding her back?



He wasn't going to hold anything back.



And it's another habit that will hold you back.


摩登家庭第二季_Modern Family-Season02

Are we holding our kids back?



But there's one big issue holding it back.



Oh, and you feel like we hold you back.


CRI在线 2020年11月合集

The previous online session was held back in June.



I'm polite so I won't hold back.




atremble, atremia, atreol, atrepsy, atreptic, atresia, atresic, atretic, atretocystia, atretometria,


3G, 401(K), a,
  • 微信二维码


  • 手机客户端二维码

