And early home computers made for the hobbyist market used switches extensively, because most home users couldn't afford expensive peripherals like punch card readers.
Because it will sound different if you're listening on your phone versus whether it's coming through your car stereo or whether it's coming through your home computer.
And after that slight diversion, I'll get back to a totally different aspect of modern technology, home computers or PCs, that stands for personal computers.
British-made home computers such as the ZX Spectrum and the BBC Micro, in combination with good teaching in schools, meant that British teenagers often learned to program long before their foreign peers.
英国制造的ZX Spectrum 和 BBC Micro等厂商的家用电,结合学校教学,使得英国的青少年比其他国家的同龄人有更多机会接触电。
During this time we see the emergence of the first successful home computers, like the 1975 Altair 8800, and also the first home gaming consoles, like the Atari 2600 in 1977.