Now, that's a humongous fungus and that's random.
" These decisions actually have a humongous impact on children's safety."
It's not like you can just step outside the galaxy and place it on a humongous scale.
However, there are a couple of reasons why we can't actually have that humongous of a mountain here on Earth
Yeah, I got the slippers in, because my feet are so humongous that I would not be able to get.
I'm not like a humongous 500 pound you know monster.
我不一个 500 磅重的怪物。
Rigging elections, paying themselves humongous salaries, even when they represent very low-income workers.
I would like this room to be humongous, and have a really large window.
So there's a humongous fire, over 963,000 acres that we're talking about.
所以有一场巨大的火灾,我们正在谈论的超过 963,000 英亩的土地。
A " humongous player" would be someone who's very tall and perhaps muscular or strong.
But yeah, it was all the factors lined up to create this humongous storm.
Speaking of water...if you include water when weighing these giant organisms, then the humongous fungus might actually weigh more than Pando.
说到水,如果在称这些巨型生物时算上水的重量,那么巨型真菌可能比 Pandora 还要重。
It's a humongous circle on the floor with a cushion on top of it.
And the Sphere is designed essentially for showing movies at humongous scale, at extremely high resolution.
Sphere 的设计初衷是为了播放超大规模、极高分辨率的电影。
However, if you're trying to deliver education with a smartphone, you run into a humongous problem.
Are we talking soccer field size humongous, or are we talking like twice as big as a normal one?
An absolutely humongous catastrophe, the scope and scale of it almost incomprehensible, and so, there can never be enough of this help.
And run domesticated turkeys have been bred to have such humongous breasts that they can barely stand up.
家养火鸡的胸部很大 几乎站不起来。
The most extensive organism is a very old " humongous fungus" that covers a whopping 2,385 acres in a national forest in Oregon.
延伸面积最广的生物是一株古老的巨型真菌,在俄勒冈一国家森林中,其覆盖面积达到 2385 英亩。
A little boy, Miguel, takes on this humongous task of making a girl remember her father who is no more.
一个名叫米格尔的小男孩承担了这项艰巨的任务, 要让一个女孩记住她已经不在的父亲。