The child was born deformed in consequence of an injury to its mother.
It was reserved for the school of physiocrats to regard this nature from another point of view in consequence of a sophistical line of reasoning.
In consequence of this relatively advanced position, Yeobright might have been called unfortunate.
" In consequence of a sorrow, of a fright" ?
In consequence of this avowal, his sentence was immediately pronounced.
由于一认罪, 的判决立即被宣布。
That was in consequence of a misunderstanding between myself and a young person.
'I have come to speak to you, in consequence of what passed just now.
“由于刚才发生的事情, 我来找你说话。
In consequence of this, the two brothers had a conflict.
It was not in Mr. Bulstrode's nature to comply directly in consequence of uncomfortable suggestions.
Bulstrode 先生的本性不会因为令人不快的建议而直接服从。
My expenses, in consequence of my marriage, have been very much greater than I had expected.
由于我的婚, 我的开支比我预期的要多得多。
Some days later, Lydgate was riding to Lowick Manor, in consequence of a summons from Dorothea.
In consequence of this, I had built from childhood a dream of high and poetical conjugal life.
You will remember that, in consequence of the War economics practiced at Styles, no waste paper was thrown away.
你们会记得的, 因为战争经济学在 Styles 实践, 没有废纸被扔掉。
Now, she had only once before gone alone to Plymouth, and that was in consequence of some unavoidable difficulty.
He was reminded of the cruelty of all life and, in consequence, of the increasing bitterness of his own.
He would have let the house, but could find no tenant, in consequence of its ineligible and insalubrious site.
He will strike the blow, but will be on his guard against being vain or boastful or arrogant in consequence of it.
Since yonder sorcerer visited it, everything wastes away, beasts and men, in consequence of the spell he has thrown on it.
自从那里的巫师造访它之后, 由于对它施的咒语, 一切都消逝了, 无论是野兽还是人类。
It should, however, in the natural course of things, rather, upon the whole, be somewhat extended in consequence of them.
When, in consequence of heavy rains up-country, a river which you wish to ford is swollen and flecked with foam, you must wait until it subsides.
Their ability to bring up families, in consequence of this forced frugality, instead of being diminished, is frequently, perhaps, increased by the tax.
由于强制节俭, 们养家糊口的能力非但没有减弱, 反而可能经常因税收而增加。
This may or may not be true; but if it be true, some have been happy in spite rather than in consequence of it.
可能是真的, 也可能不是。 但如果是真的, 那么有些人尽管如此而不是因为它而感到高兴。