She would go into a trance and wail her incantations to the spirits.
她会神志恍惚, 哀声向幽灵念语。
Finding and using the incantation from the magic book Grimoire, Faust has to stop the deviltry and return it back to Hell.
Hagar, the witch, chanted an awful incantation over her kettleful of simmering toads, with weird effect.
" Winky's got a squeaky little voice, and the voice we heard doing the incantation was much deeper! "
He believes that he can become a wizard simply by learning incantations and waving a wand.
Well, magic requires incantations, spells it takes years to study. What I saw you do was...elemental, instinctive.
" So you just decided to try out an unknown, handwritten incantation and see what would happen? "
She must say an incantation to cast the poison out.
Mick, would you be able to recognize the incantation?
米克 你还能辨识出那段咒语吗?
Harry reacted instinctively; his wand was out of his pocket and the incantation sprang to mind without conscious thought.
While Medea muttered incantations, Jason removed the bolt.
美狄亚念咒语时, 伊阿宋拔掉了螺栓。
" If you get TOO disagreeable, you'll drive me away before I finish this incantation" .
“如果你太讨厌了, 在我完成这咒语之前你会把我赶走” 。
It was a strange jargon—the Lord's Prayer repeated backwards—the incantation usual in proceedings for obtaining unhallowed assistance against an enemy.
Instead of incantations and spells, it's scripts and code.
After the morning's incantations Colin sometimes gave them Magic lectures.
Ancient incantations about a being with answers.
I thought you would do it by charms and incantations, but this is a practical joke'.
我以为你会通过咒语和咒语来做到这一点, 但这是一恶作剧'。
Accompany me this night to St. Clare's Sepulchre, witness my incantations, and Antonia is your own'.
Gorgias goes a little further and sees speech as a kind of incantation, witchcraft, or magic.
高尔吉亚更进一步, 将言语视为一种咒语、巫术或魔法。
I repeated this rhyme like a magic incantation and was transported far away without ever leaving our room.
No traces of the incantation, and the Vaults were only illuminated by the faint rays of the sepulchral Lamp.
有咒语的痕迹, 金库只有墓灯的微弱光线照亮。
" With an incantation, which will work only if you are concentrating, with all your might, on a single, very happy memory."