The color is yellow inclining to green.
Disturbed by these different reflections; inclining now to one course and then to another, and again recoiling from all, as each successive consideration presented itself to her mind; Rose passed a sleepless and anxious night.
She broke forth as never moon yet burst from cloud: a hand first penetrated the sable folds and waved them away; then, not a moon, but a white human form shone in the azure, inclining a glorious brow earthward.
The small frame house, about fifteen years old, was already inclining to become a new Colonial relic. The Adamses had built it, moving into it from the " Queen Anne" house they had rented until they took this step in fashion.
小木屋,大约十五年的历史,已经倾向于成为新的殖民地遗迹。 Adamses 建造了它,从他们租用的“安妮女王”房子搬进了它,直到他们迈出时尚的这步。
People saw nothing holy in this spring morning, in this beauty of God's world — a gift to all living creatures — inclining to peace, good-will and love, but worshiped their own inventions for imposing their will on each other.