A yellow beam of sunlight, filtering through the muslin curtains, slanted on to the table, where a matchbox, half open, lay beside the inkpot.
" Suck whatever you like" . Inkpots turned the book around and dusted the page with a bit of fine sand. " For most of us, the signature suffices, but I would hate to disappoint a new brother-in-arms. Welcome to the Second Sons, Lord Tyrion" .
提利昂公爵。侏儒喜欢这新头衔。次子团虽无黄金团的赫赫声名,但几世纪来仍可谓战功标榜。" 团里还有其老爷吗?"
A red tablecloth was put on a table in the sitting room, and all sorts of objects were spread out: a needle and thread, a saucepan, a teapot, a paint-brush, an inkpot, a knife, a book of verses, a book of stories, a flexible fencing-foil, a piece of printed silk.