Instead, TINYINT columns should be fetched into 2-byte or 4-byte integer columns.
相反,应该将 TINYINT 2 个字节或 4 个字节整数。
It has been an indiscerptible organic integer to explore new material ,dig material potential properties and unidirectional solidification technology.
In this part, the article covers the recompose of the debts, the enforcement of the debts, the bankrupt and integer retail.
He labeled these hypothetical integers p and q.
他將這兩個假設的數 命名為 p 及 q 。
Thus, p could be expressed as 2a, where a is an integer.
因此,p 可以 2a 示,a 一個數。
Why that integer and what exactly does 0 represent?
为什麽数,而 0 又代什麽?
These sorts of relationships between integers are studied in a branch of math called number theory.
有一数学分支叫做 “数论”,就在研究数之间的关系。
And any positive integer, up to a certain limit, can be expressed as a sum of these numbers.
In programming, we refer to these numbers as integers.
Programming languages have some undefined behaviors, such as what to do with misaligned pointers or when encountering signed integer overflows.
Is a woman a thinking unit at all, or a fraction always wanting its integer?
一女人到底一思维单位, 还一总想要它的数的分数?
1982. This string is different from the actual number 1982. One is an integer and the other is a string.
It allows me still to define three integers in that array.
It should be a number from one to ten, a positive integer.
Last episode, we talked about integers, positive whole numbers and their opposites.
And the higher frequency bins are just integer multiples of this frequency.
较高频率的 bin 只该频率的数倍。
Which one of these numbers IS an integer?
All right, so we focused up until now on integers, really.
That number was the highest integer that the 32-bit view counter could handle, so it had to be upgraded.
该数字 32 位视图计数器可以处理的最大数,因此必须对其进行升级。
The standard binomial theorem insist that you apply it only when N is a positive integer, which makes sense.
标准二项式定理坚持只有当 N 为正数时才应用它,有道理的。
The first two aren't very interesting: all ones, and then the positive integers, also known as natural numbers.
开头两条并不很有趣,全都 1。接下来正数,也被称为自然数。
They're just numbers, integers in fact.
Remember the fields have to be blitable, bytes, floats, integers, stuff like that.