Soldiers in various scenes call their enemies “Jap suckers” and “dirty Japs.
” 大兵从都称呼对手为对“日本”“下流的小日本。
It was just after the Jap air raiding, and things were pretty grim.
I saw through the periscope a Jap destroyer escort, a tanker, and a minelayer.
For fifteen hours, that Jap minelayer kept dropping depth charges.
Through a green gate I saw a Jap gardener at work weeding a huge lawn.
透过一扇绿色的大门, 我看到一个日园丁正在为一大片草坪除草。
He was pulling a piece of weed out of the vast velvet expanse and sneering at it the way Jap gardeners do.
他的天鹅绒中拔出一根杂草, 像日园丁那样嘲笑它。
And he answered, unlocking his door: " Because I traveled with him from Shanghai to Honolulu in a Jap liner last November" .
他打开门回答说:“因为去年 11 月我和他一起乘坐日班轮上海到火奴鲁鲁” 。
(A Jap plane had spotted us under sixty feet of water and had radioed our position to the Jap minelayer.) We went down to 150 feet, to avoid detection, and rigged for a depth charge.
(一架日飞机在 60 英尺深的水下发现了我们, 并通过无线电将我们的位置报告给了日布雷舰。)我们下降到 150 英尺, 以避免被发现, 并安装了深水炸弹。