24 karat, 24 karat magic What's that sound?
让24K魔法蔓延开来听 那是什么声音?
Personally, I think anything under three karats is a red flag.
Sporting a glittery one-piece wings that extended ten feet in length and a 24 karat gold crown.
The rare rectangle-cut stone weighs 14.62 karats and is setting a ring flanked by 2 smaller stones.
That's a 2.5 karat with D color and flawless clarity that he... that I paid $45,000 for.
这是他… … 这是我了四万五买2.5克拉无色无瑕钻戒。
The purest form of gold is 24 karats.
最纯净:最纯净为 24 克拉。
That includes two flawless stones of 15 karats each.
其中包括两颗 15 克拉无瑕宝石。
Its dome is covered with 22 karat gold leaf.
它圆顶覆盖着 22 克拉箔。
Features a 14 karat yellow gold bronc rider on the center dome.
中心圆顶上有一个 14 克拉野马骑手。
Speaking of which, now I'm gonna take off my 24 karat boob masks.
说到这里,现在我要摘下我 24 克拉布布面具。
Tucker's Cross is a jewel encrusted 22 karat gold cross discovered by marine explorer, Teddy Tucker, in 1955.
Tucker's Cross 是一个镶有宝石 22 克拉十字架,由海洋探险家 Teddy Tucker 于 1955 年发现。
We've worked with our good friends that Good Art Hollywood to create a special 18 karat gold mixture just for this ring.
我们与Good Art Hollywood合作,为这枚戒指制作了特别18克拉混合材料。
I mean, it's easy to say simplicity when you're dripping in, I don't know, 500 karats of diamonds, but it was just so chic.
我意思是,当你滴入时说简单很容易,我不知道,500 克拉钻石,但它是如此别致。
Mateo 14 karat gold malachite and diamond earrings, $3,000. I like to wear the same pieces, for the most part, daily, you know?
Mateo 14 克拉孔雀石和钻石耳环,3,000 美元。 我喜欢每天都穿同样衣服,你知道吗?
After applying the serum, I might do some eye patches, which I'm gonna do now, so I have these, and I love these because they are 24 karat.
涂抹精华素后,我可能会做一些眼罩,我现在要做,所以我有这些,我喜欢这些,因为它们是 24 克拉。
It's not clear exactly where the stone went in the years following, but researchers believed the diamond was likely smuggled to London and recut to its current size, 45.54 karats.
目前尚不清楚这颗钻石在接下来几年里去了哪里,但研究人员认为这颗钻石很可能被走私到伦敦并重新切割成目前尺寸,即 45.54 克拉。