As well as making attractive and stylised storage pots, the Jomon must have been also thrilled at the leak-proof, heat-proof properties of their new kitchenware.
(upbeat music) Japanese company Techno-Labo is creating a line of kitchenware called Rebirth using discarded plastic collected by Techno-Labo staff from the beaches of Kanagawa.
Like it's not just like kitchenware, like, you know, it's not thrilling and other brands in German, but like this is going to be like the top of the line.
We would spend the morning walking through an intricate maze of small stores and street vendors, stopping at her favorite spots where everyone knew her, discovering what fruits were in season and what kitchenware was in stock.
My possessions mostly amount to cheap IKEA kitchenware and thrifted J.Crew. And while my parents owned a home and had two kids at my age, I consider it an accomplishment I haven't yet killed my latest succulent.
Today, many of us use Samsung products in our daily lives, from TVs to computers to smart watches and digital cameras to fridges and kitchenware to the chips that run our mobile phones to the actual phones themselves.