The legatee pondered in the dusk.
O endless vocatives that would still leave expression slipping helpless from the measurement of mortal folly! — that residuary legatee was Joshua Rigg, who was also sole executor, and who was to take thenceforth the name of Featherstone.
哦,无尽的呼唤仍然会让表情因对凡人愚蠢的衡而无助地滑落!- 剩余的受遗赠人是约书亚里格, 他也是唯一的执行人, 从那时起他将使用费瑟斯通的名
Immature as he was, he could realize Viviette's position sufficiently well to perceive what the poor lady must suffer at having suddenly thrust upon her the responsibility of repairing her own situation as a wife by ruining his as a legatee.
" Most of these followers are not Lowick people, " said Sir James; " I suppose they are legatees from a distance, or from Middlemarch. Lovegood tells me the old fellow has left a good deal of money as well as land" .
“这些追随者中的大多数都不是洛威克人, ” 詹姆斯爵士说。 “我想他们是来自远方或米德尔马奇的遗产继承人。洛夫古德告诉我, 这位老家伙留下了很多钱和土地” 。