Sedateness could make people forgotten the time. For Example, to the man who sat down loggia,It seems slid away over his face.
They were sitting together on the loggia when the letter arrived.
信来时候, 他们正一起坐在凉廊上。
Then the figure of a woman appeared high up on the loggia.
She walked out on to the loggia.
Gino got out a guitar and sang too, sitting out on the loggia.
吉诺也拿出一吉他, 坐在凉廊上唱。
Let us sit on the loggia, where it is cool.
让我们坐在凉廊上, 那里很凉爽。
The lamp was tossed across the room, out through the loggia.
灯被扔过房间, 穿过凉廊。
By a common impulse they ran on to the loggia.
出于共同冲动, 他们跑向了凉廊。
He sat near her, astride the parapet, with one foot in the loggia and the other dangling into the view.
他坐在她附近, 跨在栏杆上, 一只脚踩在凉廊上, 另一只脚悬在视野中。
He came out here on the front loggia of St. Peter's, and then gathering around him came all the Cardinals who had just elected him.
When Cardinal George got home, the reporters asked him, ''What were you thinking of as you were looking out from the loggia of St. Peter's? ''
There was no more to do in the house, and he spent whole days in the loggia leaning over the parapet or sitting astride it disconsolately.
屋子里无事可做, 他整日呆在凉廊里, 要么倚在栏杆上, 要么忧郁地跨坐在栏杆上。
A quirk of European sightseeing is that jaunts taken for relaxation are also safaris of pain: reminders of the centuries of bloodshed and anguish that went into all the loggias and basilicas.