The US Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced almost three billion dollars in aid for homeless Americans and those at risk of loosing housing.
It's where a lot of Americans spent part of their weekend as dozens of states started loosing some restrictions on where people could go and what they could do.
'I will go to the waiting-room for a moment, ' whispered Viviette hurriedly; and, loosing her hand from his arm, she pulled down her veil and vanished inside the building.
Now comes the first muttering of the waves. The Russian army is in Austria. Fatality is supreme: nowhere more visibly imperious than in the loosing of elementary forces—in the war.
When Hawkeye had cast his shaggy vestment, which was done by simply loosing certain thongs of skin, he drew a long, glittering knife, and put it in the hands of Uncas.
In a world where everyone is talking about loosing weight fast, Triangle Bob came up with an interesting idea. He said that people should just get rid of those useless white sticks inside their body.
在一个都在谈论快速减肥的世界里,Triangle Bob 想出了一个有趣的主意。他说,们应该摆脱体内那些无用的白棒。