4 All removable internals shall be checked by suitable methods to ensure their insertability and removability through the manhole.
A crew of sanitation workers hurried to the area and opened a manhole.
So that's an interior of a manhole.
The irony of falling into a manhole while texting Freddy was not lost on me.
In nineteen twelve, he won one hundred dollars for a play he wrote called The Man in the Manhole.
1912年,他创作的剧本《The Man in the Manhole》获得了百美元的奖金。
That's also the case for the streets, where scrap metal merchants removed the coverings from manholes.
。 街道也是如此, 废金属商人从沙井取下覆盖物。
Stage platforms rise and fall from the floor in assorted configurations, lampposts and manholes artfully indicating new locales.
There is disagreement as to whether or not the manhole cover made it into space.
One of the workmen now came forward. Say, I put back that manhole cover myself about ten minutes after five o'clock.
If we count space travel, though, then the manhole cover has met its match.
但是,如果我们算太空旅行, 那么井盖就达到了它的匹配度。
So, if we only count self-propelled objects, then, unbelievably, the manhole cover still reigns supreme.
所以,如果我们只计算自行式物体, 那么令人难以置信的是, 井盖仍然占主导位。
Why, the kid was inside the machine when I left. I told him to put back the manhole cover when he came out!
This ladder leads to a manhole cut into the Nautilus's hull and corresponding to a comparable hole cut into the side of the skiff.
In other words, we’re assuming that when the frame was taken, the manhole cover was here, just below the frame.
换句话说,我们假设拍摄框架时, 井盖就在这里,就在框架下方。
Dr. Bajwa's war against mosquitoes and West Nile is waged by air and ground, from the swamps of Staten Island to the manholes of the Upper West Side.
They clear away the snow, and it's an opening the size of a manhole cover, going into the side of a sandstone cliff.
他们清除了积雪, 这是井盖小的开口,通向砂岩悬崖的侧。
So, we’re basically saying, if the manhole cover was here, and then one millisecond later it was here, how fast did it travel?
所以,我们基本是说, 如果井盖在这里, 毫秒后它又在这里,它移动的速度有多快?
The hole itself isn't much bigger in diameter than a sewer manhole and is equipped with a ladder that leads down a tunnel into the earth.
He was well aware, for example, that the Saudi government's grand new sewer system in Jeddah was simply manhole covers in the pavements, with no pipes underneath.
" Two bucks to spend the night in this manhole, " I said, " when for free I could have a nice airy ashcan" .
There was a loose bolt to be tightened up from the inside, and men were at work removing the manhole plate at the side of the casing.