I went off to milady's boudoir.
Oh. Hold on. Hold on. Your chair, milady. - " Milady" ? Where did that come from?
稍等稍等,我为您拉椅子,我的女士。 - 还" 我的女士" 咧,这招又是哪来的?
" Will milady be wanting a bath tonight" ?
" 小姐今洗澡?"
Oh, yes, milady. There are only two or three places they could be.
Gentlemen, milady, you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.
" Did his lordship say where he was bound, milady" ? asked Harwin.
" 伯爵大人透漏去向了吗,夫人?" 哈尔温问。
You mean she...- I'm afraid so, milady, but don't worry, she won't hurt her.
你是说… … -恐怕是的,小姐。但别担心,不会。
That was when Harwin remembered Arya. " Such talk is not for your ears, milady" .
哈尔温想起了艾莉亚。" 这个话题你不适合听,小姐。"
And she gave you as a reference when you don't run a business, milady.
Lily, can you find Gwen and tell her to come to the hall, now. -Yes, milady.
" With your sword. Oathkeeper, you call it? Then keep your oath to her, milady says" .
" 用你的剑。守誓剑,你是这样叫它的吧?那就信守对立下的誓言,夫人说。"
" Lord Eddard's dead, milady. I belong to the lightning lord now, and to my brothers" .
" 艾德大人死了,小姐。我现在属于闪电大王,属于我的弟兄们。"
I'd best not call you milady, then.
我最好还是不叫你" 夫人" 了。
Oh, milady, what have I done? What have I done, milady?
夫人 我做了什麽 我做了什麽啊 夫人?
We're anxious the show shouldn't be a letdown, milady, so we're really hoping for a decent entry from the Abbey.
Well done, Mr Molesley. Thank you, milady.
真不错 莫斯利先生 谢谢 小姐。
Ah! Just checking that everything's being done right, milady.
就是来看看该做的是不是都做好了 小姐。
Has Mr Crawley left? Yes, milady.
克劳利先生走了? 是的 小姐。
Desmond took her hand. " Come along, milady. You heard your lord father. "
戴斯蒙拉起的手。" 小姐,我们走罢,您也听见您父亲的吩咐了。"
Pardon us, if we aren't quite so refined as you, milady.
不好意思 我们都没您博学 大小姐。
Begging your pardon, sir, milady, guests are rising.
打扰了 先生 夫人 客人们起床了。