They say the wax can be softened with mineral oil, glycerin , or ear drops.They say high drungy procidehydrogen peroxide, or carbomite peracidcarbamide peroxide may also help.
To make regular bowel movements easier to pass, there are lubricant laxatives, like mineral oil, that coat your intestinal walls to make them slippery, and emollient laxatives, also called stool softeners.
So to have any hope of interacting with one, physicists put enormous tanks of mineral oil spiked with a heavy element called gadolinium in a cave under a mountain near Daya Bay.
The effects of human activity on the land have led some to look to the oceans for natural resources - naturally existing things such as minerals, oil, coal and other energy sources that can be used by people.
Along the whole back wall of the pavilion piles of fuel had been arranged and kindled; and it is probable they had been drenched with mineral oil, for, in spite of the morning's rain, they all burned bravely.