Throw out a minnow to catch a whale.
She went out to the brook that flowed through the garden, and caught a whole bucketful of minnows.
He fished for minnows, and climbed and swung.
Just think, group A consists of Austria. China, and Saudi Arabia, all of which are minnows.
If catching fish in the dark is impressive, imagine eating a slippery minnow with no hands while hanging upside down.
It can pick up the tiniest minnow.
A " minnow" is also a very small fish.
A minnow is tiny and good at hiding.
When she stood still, the tiny minnows swarmed about her toes and nibbled them with their tiny mouths.
当她站着不动时,小鲦鱼就聚集在她的脚趾周围, 用的小嘴轻咬。
Laura tried and tried to catch a minnow, but she only got the hem of her dress wet.
If he had not known that, he would have been foolisher than a mouse or a minnow.
" A minnow! a minnow! I have him by the nose" ! cried Mr. Jeremy Fisher, jerking up his rod.
Instead of a smooth fat minnow, Mr. Jeremy landed little Jack Sharp the stickleback, covered with spines!
杰里米先生钓到的不是光滑肥美的鲦鱼, 而是全身长满刺的棘鱼小杰克夏普!
Leavitt would layer on warm clothes, collect a cooler of minnows from the bait shop, and walk out onto the ice as far as she could.
You say… I mean, to the minnow in there, they say, well, this… what do you mean this is shallow water?
你说… … 我的意思是,对那里的米诺鱼,他说,好吧,这… … 你说这是浅水是什么意思?
" I will get some worms and go fishing and catch a dish of minnows for my dinner, " said Mr. Jeremy Fisher.
杰里米费舍尔先生说:“我会弄些虫子去钓鱼, 然后钓一盘小鱼作为晚餐。
The minnows were thin gray shadows in the rip- pling water, only now and again one minnow flashed the sunshine from its silvery belly.
On the third day the squirrels got up very early and went fishing; they caught seven fat minnows as a present for Old Brown.
(gentle music) It's all intentional, because without any size comparison on black and white, the minnow is as impressive as the polar bear, right?
Twinkleberry and six other little squirrels each carried a fat minnow; but Nutkin, who had no nice manners, brought no present at all.
Twinkleberry 和其他六只小松鼠每人都拿着一条肥美的鲦鱼。 但是没有礼貌的纳特金根本没有带礼物。
He showed her how to tie a lure, and how to tip the rod up and down to make the lure and minnow glitter in the water's depths.
Mr. Jeremy took a reed pole, and pushed the boat out into open water. " I know a good place for minnows, " said Mr. Jeremy Fisher.
杰里米先生拿了一根芦苇杆,把船推到开阔的水中。 “我知道一个养小鱼的好地方,”杰里米·费舍尔先生说。