They’ll be hungry when they get here. Third person plural, again, if you write this as a contraction, it will show up as a misspelling, but speaking this way is very common.
From the misspellings in the beginning to the rise and fall of Charlie's control over language, readers experience what Charlie experiences — an overwhelming injection of intelligence without the maturity to understand its power.
HODL. That one is actually a misspelling, but a lot of people now treat it as an acronym for Hold On for Dear Life. And if you do, your crypto token of choice will go to the " moon" .
HODL。那个实际上是一个拼写错误,但现在很多人将其视为 Hold On for Dear Life 的首字母缩写词。如果你这样做,你选择的加密代币将进入“月球”。