The treatment of heteronuclear diatomic molecules by LCAO-MO theory is not fundamentally different from the treatment of homonuclear diatomics.
Wait half a mo.
They're set to agitate any mo...What?
可以煽动任何… … 怎么了?
As a great sage once observed, " mo money" may in fact correlate with " mo problems."
I hear there's more kissing in this mo...Shh.
I'm always diplomatic. Now just get in there, you spineless 'mo.
In the pharmaceutical business, we have a saying: " Mo' infections, mo' money."
在医药届,有句行话叫: " 感染断,钱财" 。
Or most common, 'mos' common, 'mos' common.
者最常见的,'mos' common,'mos' common。
But Velma don't work heah no mo'.
但 Velma 工作, 嘿,没有。
Mo' money, mo' problems? - Yes, that.
后期 加森-钱越多 烦恼越多 -对 没错。
" Oh, they ain't no mo' chickens. Varmints got 'em" .
“哦,它们是小鸡。捕鼠人得了它们” 。
Now just get in there, you spineless 'mo.
快进去 你这个没用的。
" Cats go everywhere, " replied the familiar voice of Skahaz mo Kandaq. " No one ever looks at them" .
" 猫哪都能去," 面具下传来斯卡拉茨·莫·坎塔克熟悉的话音," 并且没人注意。"
347.Ay, Dios mo. Did you took him with you?
妈妈咪呀 你是是也带他去了?
My mo--my client won't stand for that.
我妈 我的客户会同意的。
The first layer would consist of two parts, a pantalette and a mo shong.
" I reckon Une' Louis done caught mo possums than aihy man in dis country" .
“我认为 Une' Louis 抓的负鼠比这个国家的其他人抓的还多” 。
" Dat's some mo of yo business, aint it" ?
“这是你的事, 是吗” ?
" I'll have de fire gwine in a minute, en de water hot in two mo" .
“我会在一分钟内喝去火的 gwine, 然后在两个月内喝热水” 。
Here is the Holy Bible, he said, showing them a small volume in thirty-two mo., bound in black.
这是圣经,他说,并在三十二个月内给他们看了一本小册子. , 黑色装订。
" I thank de Lawd I got mo heart dan dat, even ef hit is black" .
“我感谢 de Lawd 我得了 mo heart dan dat, 即使 ef hit 是黑色的” 。
Again, her undergarments would have consisted of a mo shong and pantalettes, perhaps made of finer material such as silk.
- 再一次,她的内衣将由一件 mosh 和裤子组成,也许是用丝绸等更精细的材料制成的。