Results The thermal decomposition efficiency of trioxane turning into mon...
You've opened yourffiliate account,hosen oducts to sell, an established relationships with vendors.Now you need to watch your mons ey.
Network 您注册了代销账户、选择了代销的产品并与发立了代销关系,现在您就需要查看您的账户金额了。
C' mon. Are you kidding me? Know it!
But they thrive on the Danish island mons klint where cliffs provide caves for their nests, and good vantage points for hunting.
A mon from Papua New Guinea says her nation's six Special Olympics athletes are thrilled to be here.
You could also say, " I'm considering going to Jamaica mon" .
Her insecurities will always be with her, but they won't define her. You can't banish the mons, Fonda admit her lifelong feelings of inadequacy.
" Oh, mon Dieu! ... In the stolen desk" !
“哦,老天爷! … … 在偷来的桌子” !
" Canny" means " smart" . He's a canny mon.
“Canny” 是“聪明” 的意思。他是个精明的人。
" Eh! mon Dieu! What else could it be" ?
“嗯!老天爷!还能是什么” ?
They'll on'y leave the poor mon furder behind.
Ooh. -Wow. It looks spectacular, mon amour.
- 哦。 -哇。它看起来很壮观,我的爱人。
" Not a particle, mon ami! And for once, perhaps, it is a pity" .
“一点儿也没有, 我的朋友!这一次,也许,很遗憾” 。
Yah, mon, da song needs to breathe a little.
是的 这首歌唱的时候需要喘口气。
Looked like you were having a mo-mo avec mon fiance.
It's an easy " A." It's just sand, sun and reggae, mon.
容易得A 就只有沙滩 阳光和雷鬼音乐。
And if I needed money, I have my mon's half of CeCe's estate.
如果我需要钱 我有外祖母茜茜一半的房产。
" Oh, but it's good to see you, mon petit, " she said, her eyes sparkling.
“哦,但很兴见到, 我的小宝贝, ” 她说,她的眼睛闪闪发光。
" You have a little idea, I see, mon ami! Capital. We progress" .
“有点想法, 我明白了,我的朋友!资本。我们进步了” 。
If your mon and I both fall into a river, and you can only save one of us, who would you save?
如果妈妈和我都掉进了河里, 只能救我们其中一个, 救谁?
" I think that you should write for the Kinema, mon ami, " he remarked at last.
Panama is a friendly country. I went down there and talked to the President of Panama about cleaning up their mon... money laundering.