Is emptied of its folk, this pious morn?
Is emptied of this folk, this pious morn?
She'll be made his Queen in the morn.
When the light of morn has come, Think the Lord is nigh.
Morn Chear says his art and his accident are inseparable parts of his story.
Morn Chear 说,他艺术和他事故是他作品中不可分割一部分。
Such a moment arrived for Nekhludoff that Easter morn.
那个复活节早晨, 聂赫留朵夫迎来了样时刻。
Suddenly she disappeared like dew on a summer's morn.
" Blessings on your heart, and what makes you look so sad the morn" ?
As for him that has died to-day, his morrow will be the resurrection morn.
I sleep, as when I woke at morn.
I'm not gonna be the morn who makes the world's best cookies.
我没办法成为做出全世界 最好吃饼干妈妈。
When shall it be morn in the grave, to bid the slumberer awake?
Good morn ng, Mr Fredricksen You ready to go?
早安 弗雷德里克森先生 准备好走了吗?
My morn sent me the paper. Ooh, let's see it. Yay.
我妈把报纸寄给我 我们来瞧瞧。
Born to different moms and dads, but raised by the same morn and dad.
我们生身父母不同 但我们有共同养父母。
You're skinny, You're wearing Speedos--That your morn promised you'd grow into.
瘦巴巴 连紧身泳裤都太大 你妈妈保证说有一天你会长大成熟。
But some were young, and suddenly beheld life's morn decline, -And one had come from Bingen, -fair Bingen on the Rhine.
Four years ago, Morn Chear met Seattle artist Lauren Lida who was working in Cambodia and opened her studio to local artists.
四年前,Morn Chear 遇到了柬埔寨工作西雅图艺术家 Lauren Lida,并为当地艺术家开设了她工作室。
The dreary night—for, oh, how dreary seems its haunted waste, behind us! —gives place to a fresh, transparent, cloudless morn.
沉闷夜晚——哦, 我们身后闹鬼荒地看起来多么沉闷! ——让位于一个清新、透明、万里无云早晨。
Morn Chear is part of the Open Studio Cambodia collective that provides marketing supplies and exhibition opportunities in promotion of Cambodian contemporary art.
Morn Chear 是 Open Studio Cambodia 成员之一,他们提供营销用品和展览机会以推广柬埔寨当代艺术。