Hagrid was sitting alone in a corner, looking morose.
His face grew morose... and pleading.
的表情变得乖僻起… … 还有恳求。
" Oh...I see..." said Myrtle, picking at a spot on her chin in a morose sort of way.
The cosmonaut never got over what had happened that day. The wide smile faded, replaced by a morose expression.
If he were less peevish and morose, all would be well.
如果不那么暴躁和, 切都会好起的。
Yet it was not this alone that made him gloomy and morose.
A servant, morose, with flowing side-whiskers and in a gray apron, entered.
个的仆人进, 留着飘逸的络腮胡子, 围着条灰色围裙。
He seemed to be that morning even more morose and disagreeable than usual.
One of these, morose, ironic, must have come on this unknown, unsailed waterway.
其中个,阴,讽刺,定是在这条未知的, 未航行的水道上出现的。
You did not see the moody, morose, brooding creature into which he developed.
Dinghy would move a few morose inches away.
Its morose and gloomy outlook upon life was partly the result of separation from the owl.
The lady questioned me eagerly about her son, but the old man seemed morose and depressed.
这位女士急切地问我关于她儿子的情况, 但老人似乎很闷和沮丧。
It sounds morose; I imagine the comment of good people if they overheard such a confession.
听起很闷; 我可以想象好人如果无意中听到这样的忏悔会发表怎样的评论。
He is what we call tie-tongued and I strained my attention to understand his morose tale.
就是我们所说的铁头公子, 我竭尽全力去理解的阴故事。
Then he had spent the evening quarrelling irritably with Dot, and returned to camp morose and angry with the world.
然后整个晚上都在和多特吵得不可开交, 然后寡欢地回到营地, 对这个世界很生气。
I have met with these proud, morose, and absurd judgments of things in many places, particularly once in England" . "
我在很多地方都遇到过这些骄傲、阴和荒谬的判断, 尤其是在英国次。
Mainly because Dorrit would never go for it unless I suddenly become the lead singer of singer of some morose band.
He was too weak to work and too morose for company, and so they quickly left him alone to his own devices.
So emotions that come up for me are ones of comfort and tenderness intimacy, but why was Rosetti as a 19-year-old writing such a morose poem?
所以我想到的情感是安慰和温柔的亲密,但为什么 19 岁的罗塞蒂会写这样首的诗呢?