This motorboat fouled a wooden boat.
The motorboat put on speed as soon as it left the pier.
The current of the water running past the elementary school is too strong for our motorboats.
Randy was giving me a Facetime motorboat.
Oh, maybe I should set the world record for motorboating!
- 哦,也许我应该创造摩托世界纪录!
One time, I motorboated so long that I passed out.
Oh, yeah. No, me? Love me the motorboat.
我 最喜欢乳震了。
I believe you can motorboat for so long that you pass out, okay?
我相信你可以坐摩托这么久,以至于你晕倒了, 好?
Their motorboat struck a rock and began to sink.
A small motorboat pulled up to us. The man asked if we were stranded.
The motorboat had left the Petronel again, Searle said.
塞尔说,摩托再次了 Petronel。
But as he was going up the street, he heard a motorboat leave the Petronel.
但是当他沿着街道走时, 他听到一艘摩托了 Petronel。
To drown Clay from a motorboat was the ideal way.
The very minute the explorers came back to their barn, they saw Joe getting into the motorboat.
Tascon said tourists usually visit every day to buy handmade goods, but lately the motorboats are having trouble moving in the channels.
We had considered the possibility of a motorboat, naturally, but not a motorboat from London.
当然,我们考虑过汽的可能性, 但没有考虑来自伦敦的汽。
" Has 276 River Walk a motorboat, do you know" ?
“276 River Walk有摩托,你知道”?
The more he thought of the motorboat, the more enamored of the method he grew.
他越是想到摩托, 就越是迷恋他成长的方式。
The police boat drew in to the bank at 276 River Walk where a large grayish motorboat was moored.
警船驶入河滨步道276号的岸边, 那里停泊着一艘灰色的摩托。
There, surrounded by the crowded sunbathers on a summer's day, the three women boarded a small motorboat, leaving their belongings behind.
在那里,在夏日里拥挤的日光浴者的包围下,三名妇女登上了一艘小摩托, 将她们的财物抛在了后面。
The motorboat had not yet been brought out for the summer, but the old rowboat was tied up to the dock.
In a few minutes they could see the motorboat coming, and soon Mr. Alden and the Moores were on the dock.