Last summer,a hailstorm damaged the ten mu of good land.
In 1978,the farm’s hilly orchards increased by 300 mu.
" mu" " k" times " Fn" and the " mu" " k"
" mu" " k" 乘 " Fn" 并且 " mu" " k" 将是 0.
One mu equals roughly 0.067 hectares.
一亩约等于 0. 067 公顷。
So this is also, we just have to remember that mu is equal to p.
So minus mu K so the force of friction--- I'll just put force of friction.
所减去 mu K 所摩擦力 --- 我只输入摩擦力。
Remember, our true mean is this, that the Greek letter mu is our true mean.
请记住,我们的真实意思是,希腊字母 mu 是我们的真实意思。
So this is the Greek letter mu, and we put this k here for kinetic, or we can kind of say moving friction.
k表示" 动" (kinetic)该系数等于摩擦力的大小。
So mu sub P2 with a bar over it.
所 mu sub P2 上面有一个横条。
So this is going to be equal to mu, which is going to be equal to p.
所将等于 mu,将等于 p。
Have this inequality expressed in terms of mu.
用 mu 表示种不平等。
" You mu st be absolutely quiet, " he told Toothless sternly as they climbed into bed, and the dragon nodded eagerly.
" 你必须绝对安静," 当他们爬上床时,他严厉地告诉无牙,龙急切地点了点头。
We learned the population mean was that mu letter.
我们了解到人口均值是那个 mu 字母。
Sometimes you'll see a mu, and sometimes you'll see an x with a line over it for the sample mean.
有时您会看到一个 mu,有时您会看到一个 x,上面有一条线表示样本均值。
If this was a whole population of numbers, we've figured out that this was mu.
如果是整个数字总体,我们已经知道是 mu。
Times mu squared times the sum from i equals 1 to n.
乘 mu 的平方乘 i 等于 1 到 n 的总和。
And actually, we could have just left the mu squared there.
实际上,我们本将 mu 平方留在那里。
Then you have x sub i times minus mu.
然后你有 x sub i 次减去 mu。
This negative mu will become a positive mu.
个负 mu 将变成正 mu。
And then you have minus mu times x sub i.
然后你有负 mu 次 x sub i。
And then you have another one, minus mu x sub i.
然后你有另一个,减去 mu x sub i。
It has a mean, and I can denote it with the mu sub x bar-- this tells us this is the mean of the sample distribution.
它有一个均值,我用 mu sub x bar 表示它——告诉我们是样本分布的均值。