Objective:To assess the clinical value of selective transcatheter arterial embolization(TAE) in nasopharyngeal fibroangioma before operation.
To perform RT-PCR, some of the extracted sample from the nasopharyngeal swab is added to a solution containing an enzyme called reverse transcriptase, nucleotides and primers that are complimentary to a specific SARS-CoV-2 target sequence.
The low cycle threshold (Ct) values (18 to 20 in nasopharyngeal specimens and 21 to 22 in oropharyngeal specimens) on illness day 4 suggest high levels of virus in these specimens, despite the patient's initial mild symptom presentation.
发病 4
的低循环阈值 (Ct) 值(鼻咽标本为 18 至 20, 口咽标本为 21 至 22)表明这些标本中的病毒水平很高, 尽管患者最初的症状很轻微。