The Minicard is a small form factor board used to implement the PCI Express interface on Notebook computers.
先看看mini PCI-e,然后测下,脚没信号 Mini PCI Express Bus Description A Brief Description of the MiniCard interface.
Kevin says, " This is okay (this desktop is okay), but if I were you, I'd buy a laptop." A " laptop" (laptop) is sometimes called a " notebook" computer; it's a small computer that you can fold up and put in a bag or in a backpack.
凯文说,“这没关系(这个台式机还可以), 但如果我是你,我会买一台记本电脑。 ” “记本电脑” (laptop)有时被“记本”电脑; 它是一台小型计算机, 您可以折叠起来放入包或背包中。