She went swimming yesterday notwithstanding (that)her mother told her not to.
虽然她妈妈告诉不要去游泳, 但她昨天还是去了。
I don't like movies, but I will go with you notwithstanding.
我不喜欢看电影, 但我仍会陪你去。
Notwithstanding his objections the marriage took place.
He was misunderstood notwithstanding his good intentions.
虽然的意图是好的, 但是仍然被误解了。
"They took a risk in driving on, notwithstanding the storm."
Notwithstanding the heat of the sun we must go out.
烈日当空、气温炎热, 我们还得外出。
Thomas Carlyle, notwithstanding his tedious rhetoric, is a master of the sublime in prose style.
托马·尔的语言花俏冗长, 但是仍不失为一位令人崇敬的散文文体大师。
He insisted on going to the football match, notwithstanding his doctor's advice to the contrary.
不顾医生的劝阻, 坚持要去看足球比赛。
No matter how bad the weather is, the children will play foot-ball on the playground, notwithstanding.
不天气怎么坏, 孩子们还要在运动场踢足球。
Thanks to fewer side-effects, notwithstanding its premium price Zantac powered past Tagamet to become the market leader for the next decade.
Most of our platitudes notwithstanding, self-deception remains the most difficult deception.
Legal arguments notwithstanding, it will be hard to unscramble the eggs.
Novelty notwithstanding, I could have driven myself.
虽这很新奇 但我可以自己开车的。
Family skeletons notwithstanding, does Skeeter deny the brilliance that led to Dumbledore's many magical discoveries?
虽被揭露家庭丑闻,但,斯基特总不能否认邓 布利多在许多魔法发明上的光辉吧?
Coaching is not a scientific operation, jargon du jour notwithstanding.
All of this notwithstanding, gender differences are very much in the media these days.
Those great works of his have the calm of the sublime; but here, notwithstanding beauty, was something troubling.
" I say nothing, it is true, " exclaimed the King; " but I have my own opinion, notwithstanding."
Mary-Ann smiled. Notwithstanding her black decayed teeth there was in her smile something sweet and touching.
玛丽—安笑。 尽管她有一口黑蛀牙,但她的笑容还显得很甜美动人。
The Lost notwithstanding, What did it feel like to compete and perform infront of these net fans?
Refining profits are at high levels, notwithstanding the recent imposition of a windfall tax by the government.
The company said that, notwithstanding the obligatory consultation with staff, it now planned to permanently close it.
Notwithstanding the incredible progress we've been able to make to date, there are still so many patients with unmet needs.
Notwithstanding thoughts of the chemist's shop, I suppose I should.
尽管想到药店, 但我想我应该这样做。
That notwithstanding, you raised an interesting issue.
尽管如此 你引出一个有趣的观点。
They're entering a really interesting world right now and AI notwithstanding.
Notwithstanding that the hour was nearly nine he knocked at the door.
尽管时间将近九点, 他还敲敲门。
Defense moves for a judgment, notwithstanding the verdict!
For, notwithstanding the post-glacial agents — the air, rain, snow, frost, river, avalanche, etc.
Fame and fortune notwithstanding, Donna never forgot her hometown.