Using binary notation is in fact just manipulating ones and noughts.
Beauty without bounty avails nought.
Another nought stencil seihan printing processes while nylon NET, Capron, wire and other Web material to the holes in the plate engraving stereotypes.
The accusation made her flinch. " I would never ... my lord, I did nought to encourage them" .
他指控让她不禁一缩。" 我从未… … 大人,我从未怂恿过他们。"
It played a simple game of noughts and crosses, also called tic-tac-toe.
Receiving nought by elements so slow but heavy tears, badges of either's woe.
唉,无论土水于我都毫无补益, 它们只标志着哀愁令我泪飞如雨。
" Nay; I dunnut want ye to do nought" .
“不,我不希望你们做什么” 。
'I'se nought particular about my meat, ' said he, as if offended.
You couldn't turn and I could do nought but follow you.
One old coat 'ull do to patch another, but it's good for nought else.
一件旧外套可以用来修补另一件, 但除此之外毫无用处。
I said nought about the women preachin'.
So FTSE 100 ETF can have an OCF or a TER of nought point nought seven per cent.
因此, FTSE 100 ETF OCF 或 TER 可以为零点零 7%。
So some of the ambitions of the more leftwing parties to change and reform Germany's tax system basically came to nought.
We want more than nought point one living per cent.
" Come, Lyn, " chided Redfort in a softer tone. " This will serve for nought. Put Lady Forlorn to bed" .
" 是,林恩," 雷德佛用缓语气劝道," 这对我们没好处,让‘空寂女士'歇息去吧。"
Nought point nought seven per cent on the value of your investment you will pay within the ETF.
您将在 ETF 中支付投资价值百分之七零一点。
'I'm left alone to manage these childer, and nought for to give 'em for to keep 'em quiet.
“我一个人留下来管理这些孩子, 没有给他们让他们安静。
When all those whoops go off, things just go from nought to a million miles an hour in two or three seconds.
But, you know, there's an even bigger difference between 10 per cent and nought point five per cent.
但是,你知道,10% 零点 5% 之间差异更大。
An' he war to die an' me not to know, but to be a-sleepin' i' my bed, as if I caredna nought about it.
他拼命要死, 而我却不知道, 而是睡在我床上, 好像我不在乎这件事。
" O yes. I didn't mention it because I've never zeed you lately. And as she didn't get there it was all nought, and nothing to tell."
I understand there's been voices raised against it in the Society of late, but I cannot but think their counsel will come to nought.
我知道协会最近有人反对它, 但我不能不认为他们建议会落空。
And some might even be paid nought point nought one or nought point one.