Unemployment figures are remaining obstinately high.
Len remained obstinately silent.
Some of us, in time, become so conscious of it that we live harder, more obstinately, with more fury.
The economy remains obstinately static, though most forecasters predict growth of around 0.6% this year.
The wind, obstinately remaining in the north–west, blew a gale, and retarded the steamer.
Humphrey replied obstinately, although, as I admit, the westward voyage is a longer and a more difficult one.
He shut his eyes obstinately and went to sleep.
Walter began to breathe quickly, and his lips were agitated; then he set them obstinately.
特开始急促地呼吸, 他的嘴唇激动起来; 然后他固执地设置了它们。
And she sat waiting obstinately, almost angrily.
她固执地坐在那里等着, 几乎是愤怒地等着。
" I love his big mouth, " said Mary obstinately.
" Well, I believe he could, " reiterated Tuppence obstinately.
Dredge meanwhile was going on obstinately with his work.
As to the simplest objects, we each held obstinately to our own opinions.
对于最简单的事物, 我们各持己见。
" Well, I'd like to talk to you about it, " said Zeena obstinately.
When spoken to, he answered curtly and decisively, and began to look out of the car window obstinately.
跟他说话,他干脆果断地回答, 并开始固执地看向车窗外。
The pity is that he returns to the point incessantly, and obstinately repeats himself.
可惜他不断地回到原点, 死缠烂打。
I somehow felt that he was spitefully silent, that he obstinately refused to be enthusiastic.
不知怎的,我觉他在恶毒地沉默, 他固执地拒绝热情。
I struggled vainly against it, but she insisted frivolously and obstinately, and I surrendered.
我徒劳地反抗, 她却轻率而顽固地坚持, 我便投降了。
The sun is just up; it shines obstinately into his eyes like a child who has just been given a flashlight.
" I don't believe he does, " said Mary quite obstinately.
On the contrary, he stood out obstinately as the leading champion of silver in the East.
相反,他顽强地脱颖而出, 成为东部白银冠军。
" It was the robin who showed me the way, " she protested obstinately.