21 And I perfumed my dwelling as storax, and galbanum, and onyx, and aloes, and as the frankincense not cut, and my odour is as the purest balm.
A widow had to wear hideous black dresses without even a touch of braid to enliven them, no flower or ribbon or lace or even jewelry, except onyx mourning brooches or necklaces made from the deceased's hair.
" 只有天晓得," 思嘉想,一面顺从地听着母亲谆谆教诲," 做了少奶奶便已经毫无乐趣了,那么寡妇就简直像死人哪。" 一寡妇必须穿难看黑色衣服,上面连一点点装饰也不能有,不能有花、丝带或镶边,乃至珠宝,只能有条纹玛瑙丧服胸针或用死者头发做项链。
In the kitchen there are no fewer than 30 different types of marble, all laid out in a herringbone pattern (something that is replicated in wood in the dining room) along with other off-cuts of travertine and onyx, elegantly mismatched.
厨房里有不少于 30 种不同类型大理石, 全部人字形图案(餐厅木头复制东西)与石灰华和玛瑙其他边角料一起摆放, 优雅地不匹配。
Thorne strode toward him, crisp black leathers whispering faintly as he moved. He was a compact man of fifty years, spare and hard, with grey in his black hair and eyes like chips of onyx. " The truth now, " he commanded.
索恩大跨步朝他走来,脆硬黑皮革发出悉悉窣窣声响。他约莫五十岁,体格结实,精瘦而严峻,一头黑发已有些灰白,而那双眼睛却如玛瑙般炯炯有神。" 那是怎么回事?" 他质问。