All his irritation was gone, and he felt-eh bien, oui, je ne le nie pas-he felt an overwhelming pity.
Kollomietzev declared, among other things, how he went into raptures at what the peasants, oui, oui!
Kollomietzev , 除此之外,他是如何对农民们, oui,oui!
We? - Oui. you are One of us now, oui?
我们? - 是啊, 你也是我们的一份子, 懂吗?
Mais oui! Bring us the cart. Tout de suite, for my sweetie.
是的,请用车送来 那非常适合我太太。
Oui, oui. It's an important product.
" Mais, oui! I got my 500 francs! Is he not a splendid fellow? I call him Giraud" !
“Mais, oui!我得到了我的 500 法郎!他不是一个了不起的人吗?我他为 Giraud” !
' " Mais oui, ' cried my cousins without giving me time to finish, " For two years Odette has thought of nothing else.
’ “Mais oui, ” 我的堂兄弟们叫道, 没给我时间说完,“两年来,奥黛特没有想过别的。
" Mais, oui, you know perfectly. Who did Madame Renauld love so dearly that when she saw his dead body, she fell down in a swoon" ?
“哎,哎呀,你心知肚明,雷诺夫人到底爱过谁, 看到他的尸体, 就昏倒在地” ?