And all Tories delighted in the prospect of spiking the guns of the UK Independence Party, which is seeking to outflank the Conservatives on the Eurosceptic right.
Churchill's former party had been deeply divided over the free trade issue, allowing the Liberals to outflank them and Campbell-Bannerman to become Prime Minister.
Knowing victory would be impossible if the Persian forces simply outflanked them by sea, Athens marshaled a force of 271 triremes to sail into battle against 1,207 Persian ships.
The German and the Anglo-French armies raced to the North Sea in an effort to outflank the other, but by the end of 1914 the Western Front was effectively stalemated.
Haggard cliffs, of every ugly altitude, are as common as sea-fowl along the line of coast between Exmoor and Land's End; but this outflanked and encompassed specimen was the ugliest of them all.
And the time had now arrived, the colossus had outflanked the feeble obstacle, and was investing it with its piles of goods, threatening to swallow it up, absorb it by the sole force of its giant aspiratory powers.