I am tired of merry times, and don't care if I never have any more! answered pettish little Pandora.
" No; how should I hear anything" ? was the answer, in a pettish tone.
He made experiments on pheasants first, then a pettish petty officer.
" I did set out before eight, aunt, " said Hetty, in a pettish tone, with a slight toss of her head.
“我确实是在前出发的, 阿姨,” 海蒂轻轻地摇了摇头, 语很坏。
Adam was looking at Hetty, and saw the frown, and pout, and the dark eyes seeming to grow larger with pettish half-gathered tears.
" Ye may take it all, for what I care, " said Bess the maiden, with a pettish movement, beginning to wipe away her tears and recover herself.
As he had not been careful to shut the door, Hepzibah was at the pains of closing it after him, with a pettish ejaculation or two about the troublesomeness of young people, and particularly of small boys.
由于他没有小心地关上门,Hepzibah 在他身后费力地关上了门,还带着一两句娇的射精说年轻人,尤其是小男孩的麻烦。