Did you watch the premiership last night?
They could come to define his premiership.
Liz Truss was prime minister for just 45 days, the shortest premiership of any British leader ever, male or female.
Eventually, Theresa May’s premiership would come to an end.
最终, 蕾莎梅的首相职位将结束。
Now at this stage in her premiership, although the voice was very low, being sorts of train to be low.
So I think we'd do well in the premiership.
We're agreed that my premiership has been a great success.
啊 是的 刚说到我的领导是非常成功的。
Lower league teams go in and they beat some of the best premiership teams in England.
Yet the event that, more than any other, defined Margaret Thatcher's premiership was not economic but military.
And then you look over and then kids are watching premiership games on the side of the street.
Again, just trying to pretend the whole Truss premiership didn't really happen.
再一次, 只是试图假装整个 Truss 总理职位并没有真正发生。
Halifax's motives in declining the premiership have been a source of debate among historians ever since.
In June 1935, after suffering from years of ill-health, Ramsay MacDonald resigned from the premiership in favour of Stanley Baldwin.
1935 年 6 月,拉姆齐·麦克唐纳 (Ramsay MacDonald) 因多年健康欠佳而辞去首相职务,由斯坦·鲍德温 (Stanley Baldwin) 接任。
I think he was channelling Gordon Brown who said that into his premiership about the tax rate.
我认为他是在引导戈登· 布朗 ( Gordon Brown) 在担任首相期间就税率问题发表述言论。
In May 1973, after four years leading the country, Meir announced her intention to step aside from the premiership in October.
1973 年 5 月, 在领导国家四年后,梅厄于 10 月宣布打算辞去总理职务。
But Mr Johnson's opponents note that his support was weaker than that accorded Theresa May in a similar vote in 2018, as her premiership floundered.
The view of her closest allies and ministers was that she had at best weeks or months left of her premiership.
她最亲密的盟友和部长们的观点是, 她的首相职位最多只剩下几周或几个月了。
How Liz Truss became the shortest among the most worst prime ministers in British history, the very sticky end of her premiership.
Liz Truss 如何成为英国历史最糟糕的首相中最矮的,她的首相职位非常棘手。
Meir retained the premiership until she was able to secure a disengagement agreement with Syria, brokered by Kissinger on the 31st of May.
梅厄保留了总理职位,直到 5 月 31 日在基辛格的斡旋下与叙亚达成脱离接触协议。
And it was just the utter shambles and lack of decisiveness that I think has really finally spelt the end of her premiership.