| 划词

What pronouncements has the other side made?




galactosan, galactoschesis, galactoscope, galactose, galactosemia, galactosidase, galactoside, galactosis, galactosomiasis, galactosphingolipid, galactostasia, galactostasis, galactosuria, galactosyl, galactosylation, galactosylglucose, galactosylglyceride, galactosylsphingenine, galactotherapy, galactotoxicon, galactotoxin, galactotoxism, galactotrophy, galactoxism, galactoxismus, galactozemia, galactozymase, galacturia, galacturonorhamnan, galago, galah, Galahad, Galalith, galanga, galangal, galangin, galanginidin, galangol, galanin, Galant, galanthamidine, galanthamine, galanthine, Galanthus, galantine, galanty, galantyshow, Galanz, galapago, Galapagos islands, galapectite, galarastra, galatea, Galatheidea, Galati, Galatia, Galatian, Galatians, galatidrosis, galatine, Galatz, galavant, galax, Galaxidae, galaxies, Galaxioidei, galaxite, galaxoid, galaxolide, galaxy, galazyme, galbanol, galbanum, Galbraithian, galbulus, gale, gale&2&re, galea, galeaaponeurosis, galeamaurosis, galeas, galeate, galeated, galecron, galectin, galee, galeeny, galeid, galeiform, galeite, Galen, galena, galenic, galenica, galenical, Galenicals, Galenism, Galenist, galenite, galenobismutite, galenoceratite, galenoid, galeoid, galeophilia, galeophobia, galeotheca, gale-pollution, galère, galericulate, Galeritidae, galerne, galero, galery, galesaur, galess, galettes, galex, galgal, galiage, galianconism, Galibi, Galicia, Galician, Galilean, Galilean telescope, Galilee, Galilei, Galileo, galimatias, galingale, galiosin, galiot, galipeine, galipene, galipidine, galipine, galipol, galipoline, galipot, galiquoid, galirubin, galizinit, galjoen, gall, gall bladder, gall midge, gall stone, gall wasp, Galla, gallabiya, gallacetophenone, gallamide, gallamine, gallane, gallanilide, gallanol, gallant, gallantly, gallantry, Gallardo, Gallas, gallate, gallatin, gallbladder, gall-bladder, Galle, galleass, gallego, gallein, galleon, galleonic, Galleons, galleria, gallerid, galleried, galleries, gallery, galleryful, gallerygoer, galleryite, gallery-type, gallet, galleta, galleting, g-alleviation, galley, galley proof, galley slave, galleyboy, galleys, galley-slave, galleywest, galley-west, galleyworm, gallfly, Gallia, galliambic, Galliano, galliard, galliardise, galliass, gallic, gallic acid, gallica, Gallican, Gallicanism, gallice, gallicin, gallicism, gallicize, gallicola, gallicolae, gallicolous, Galliformes, galligaskins, gallimaufry, Gallimore, gallinacean, gallinaceous, galline, galling, gallinipper, gallinol, gallinule, Gallio, Gallionic, galliot, gallipot, gallisize, gallite, gallium, gallivant, gallivorous, galliwasp, gallization, gallize, gallizinite, gallnut, gall-nuts, Gallo, Gallo-, gallo-american, gallobenzophenone, gallo-briton, gallobromol, gallocyanin, gallocyanine, galloflavin, galloformin, gallogen, galloglass, gallols, Gallomania, Gallomaniac, gallon, gallonage, gallon-octane, gallons, galloon, gallooned, galloot, gallop, gallop rhythm, gallopade, galloper, Gallophil, Gallophilism, Gallophobe, Gallophobia, galloping, gallops, gallo-roman, gallo-romance, gallotannin, Gallotox, gallous, Gallovidian, gallow, Galloway, gallowglass, gallows, gallowses, gallows-ripe, galloxanthin, galloyl, galloyl-1-epigallocatechol, gallsickness, gallstone, gall-stone, gallstones, gallup, gallus, galluses, gally, gallygaskins, galmei, galmey, galmins, galoche, Galois, galois theory, Galoisian, galoot, galop, galore, galosh, galoshed, galoshes, galpon, Galsworthy, GALT, Galtieri, Galton, Galtonian, galuchat, galumin, Galumnidae, galumph, galuteolin, Galvani, galvanic, galvanic battery, galvanic cell, galvanic pile, galvanicbattery, galvanise, galvanism, galvanist, galvanistical, galvanization, galvanize, galvanized, galvanized iron, galvanizer, galvanizing, galvannealing, galvano-, galvanoacupuncture, galvanocauterization, galvanocautery, galvano-chemistry, galvanocontractility, galvanofaradic, galvanofaradization, galvanograph, galvanography, galvanohypnotism, galvanoluminescence, galvanolysis, galvanomagnetic, galvanomagnetism, galvanometer, galvanometric, galvanometrically, galvanometry, galvanomuscular, galvanoplastics, galvanoplasty, galvanoplatics, galvanoscope, galvanoscopic, galvanoscopy, galvanostat, galvanotactic, galvanotaxis, galvanothermy, galvanotropic, galvanotropism, galvano-voltammeter, Galvanum, Galveston, galvo, Galway, Galway Bay, galways, Galwegian, galyak, gam, Gama, gamabufagin, gamabufogenin, gamabufotalin, gamabufotoxin, gamagarite, gamagrass, gamahuche, Gamaliel, gamasid, gamasides, Gamatin, gamay, gamb, gamba, gambade, gambado, gambe, gambeson, Gambia, Gambian, gambier, Gambier Islands, gambine, gambir, gambirine, gambit, gambits, gamble, gambler, gamblers, gamblesome, gambling, gambling den, gambling house, gambling-den, gambly, gamboge, gambol, gambrel, gambrel roof, gambroon, gambusia, game, game bird, game board, game fish, game of chance, game plan, game room, game show, game shows, game theory, game warden, game-bag, gamebook, gamecock, game-cock, game-cover, gamefar, gamekeeper, gamelan, gameland, gamelaws, gameless, gamelicence, game-license, gamelin, Gamella, gamely, gamene, gameness, gamenomania, gameplan, gameplay, games, games of chance, gamesman, gamesmanship, gamesome, gamespot, gamester, gamet, gametal, gametangiogamy, gametangiophore, gametangium, gamete, gametes, gametic, gametid, gametids, gametocide, gametocyst, gametocyte, gametocytemia, gametocythemia, gametogamy, gametogenesis, gametogenic, gametogeny, gametogonia, gametogonium, gametogony, gametoid, gametokinetic, gametology, gametophagia, gametophore, gametophyte, gametospore, gametosporidium, gametotaxis, gametothallus, gametotrophic, gametotropism, gametropic, gamey, gamfexine, gamic, gamily, gamin, gamine, gaminerie, gaminess, gaming, gamma, gamma globulin, gamma iron, gamma radiation, gamma ray, gammacerane, gammacross, gammadia, gammadion, gamma-distribution, gammafunction, gamma-function, gammaglobulin, gammaglobulinopathy, gammagraph, gammagraphs, gammagraphy, gammametry, gamma-radiography, gamma-ray, gammarid, Gammaridea, gammasonde, gammaspectroscopy, gammate, gammatherapy, gammatia, gammatron, gamme, gammelost, gammer, gammeter, Gammex, gammexane, gammil, gammon, gammoning, gammopathy, gammot, gammy, gamobia, gamobium, gamocyst, gamodeme, gamogamy, gamogastrous, gamogenesis, gamogenic, gamogony, gamomania, gamomery, gamomorphism, gamon, gamone, gamont, gamontogamy, gamopetal, Gamopetalae, gamopetalous, gamopetaly, gamophagia, gamophase, gamophobia, gamophyllous, gamosepal, gamosepalous, gamotropism, gamp, gampsodactylia, gampsodactyly, gamsa, gamut, gamy, Gamza, gan, Gana, ganache, ganaderia, gananite, ganbi, gancidin, Gand, Ganda, gander, Gandhara, Gandhi, Gandhian, Gandhiism, Gandhiist, Gandhiite, Gandhism, Gandhist, gandy, ganef, GANEFO, Ganelon, gang, gang together, ganga, gangaleoidin, Gangaram, gangava, gangbang, gangbanger, gang-banging, gangboard, gangbuster, gangdom, gange, ganged, gangen, ganger, Ganges, Ganges River, Gangestrough, Gangetic, gangfish, ganggang, ganging, gangion, gangland, gangle, gangleader, ganglefene, gangli-, ganglia, gangliasthenia, gangliate, gangliated, gangliectomy, gangliform, gangligerous, gangliitis, ganglike, gangling, ganglioastrocytoma, ganglioblast, gangliocyte, gangliocytoma, ganglioform, ganglioglioma, ganglioglioneuroma, ganglioid, ganglioma, ganglion, ganglionate, ganglionectomy, ganglioneure, ganglioneuroblastoma, ganglioneuroma, ganglionic, ganglioniform, ganglionitis, gangliopathy, ganglioplegic, ganglioplexus, ganglioside, gangliosides, gangliosidosis, gangload, gangly, gangman, gangmaster, gang-operated, gangosa, gangplank, gang-plank, gangplough, gangplow, gangr, gangrel, gangrene, gangrenopsis, gangrenosis, gangrenous, gangsa, gangster, gangsterdom, gangsterism, gangstress, gang-there-out, Gangtok, gangtomycin, gangtooth, gangue, gang-up, gangway, ganiometer, ganiometry, ganister, ganja, ganjah, ganlanmiao, ganmycin, gannen, gannet, gannetry, gannister, ganoblast, ganocephala, Ganocide, ganof, ganoid, ganoin, ganoine, ganomalite, ganomatite, ganophyllite, ganosis, ganov, Gansu, gantanol, gantelope, gantlet, gantline, gantlope, gantrees, gantrosan, gantry, Gantt, Ganymede, ganzfeld, GAO, gaol, gaol bird, gaolbird, gaolbreak, gaol-break, gaoler, gaoleress, gaolor, GAOs, Gaoshan, GAOT, gap, GAPA, gape, gapemouthed, gaper, gapes, gapeseed, gapeworm, gapfiller, gap-framepress, gaping, gapingly, gapless, gaposis, gapped, gapper, gapping, gappy, gaps, gap-toothed, gapy, GAR, garage, garage sale, garageman, garagist, Garamond, Garand rifle, garb, garbage, garbage bag, garbage can, garbage collection, garbage collector, garbage disposal, garbage dump, garbage truck, garbageology, garbanzo, garbin, garbiologist, garble, garbled, garbling, garbo, garboard, garboil, garbologist, garbology, garbos, Garcia, garcinia, garcon, garconnie&2&re, garconnière, garda, gardan, gardant, garde-manger, garden, Garden of Eden, garden party, Garden State, gardencenter, gardened, garden-engine, gardener, gardenesque, garden-fresh, gardenia, gardenin, gardening, gardenize, gardenless, gardenly, gardenoside, garden-plot, gardens, Gardentox, garden-variety, garder, garderobe, Gardez, Gardner, Gardnerella, gardoside, gardyloo, gare, garefowl, Gareth, Garfield, garfish, gargalanesthesia, gargalesthesia, garganey, garganite, gargantuan, gargarisma, garget, gargle, gargouillade, gargoyle, gargoylism, garibaldi, Garibaldian, Garibaldino, Garibaldist, garigue, GARIOA, garish, garishly, garland, garlandage, garlandry, garlands, garlic, garlic bread, garlic clove, garlic press, garlic salt, garlicky, garment, garment bag, garment industry, garments, garmenture, garmin, garn, garner, garnet, garnetberry, garnetiferous, garneting, garnetoid, garnets, garnett, garnetting, garni, Garnier, garnierite, garnish, garnishee, garnisher, garnishment, garnishry, garniture, Garonne, garos, garote, garotte, GARP, garpike, garran, garrelsite, garret, garreteer, garreting, Garrett, garri, garrick, garrigue, garrison, garrocha, garron, garronite, garrot, garrote, garroter, garrotte, garrotter, garrulity, garrulous, garrya, garryowen, Garshuni, garter, garter belt, garter snake, garter stitch, garters, garth, garua, garuda, Garut, garvey, Gary, Gary Cooper, gas, gas burner, gas chamber, gas constant, gas cooker, gas engine, gas field, gas fitter, gas fitting, gas furnace, gas gangrene, gas gauge, gas guzzler, gas helmet, gas holder, gas meter, gas plant, gas range, gas station, gas stove, gas thermometer, gas tight, gas turbine, gasabsorbent, gasahol, gasateria, gasbag, gas-bag, gasblock, gasboat, gasbomb, gas-bomb, gasbooster, gasbracket, gasburner, gascarrier, Gascogne, Gascon, gasconade, Gasconism, Gascony, gas-cooled-reactor, gascounter, gas-discharger, gas-dispersion, gasdynamic, gasdynamics, gaseity, gaselier, gasengine, gas-engine, gaseous, gaseous state, gaseousness, gaseous-propellant, gaser, gasetron, gasfilled, gasfired, gas-fired, gas-fitter, gasfittings, gas-fittings, gasflux, gas-free,


3G, 401(K), a,


NPR音讯 2016年5月合集

But some transparency and development groups say they want fewer pronouncements and more real change.


AP 听力 2015年5月合集

Francis defended his pronouncement by saying it was his duty to honor the memory of those killed.



Because in no other branch of medicine is the scientific reality underpinning the pronouncements of doctors so uncertain.


纽约时报 (New York Times)

That pronouncement elicited a muted response, according to a person in the room.



A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations.



Lincoln project videos take aim at president Trump's policies, pronouncements and temperament.


NPR音讯 2020年6月合集

Oftentimes, he'll make these pronouncements - you know, causes a flurry of action through the government.



This pronouncement was followed by one of the loudest silences Harry had ever heard. Then


BBC 听力 2012年9月合集

The decision and pronouncement on final charges will only be made once all investigations have been completed.



The most earnest pronouncements from the world's smartest experts suddenly sounded like little more than well-meant educated guesses.


BBC 听力 2015年4月合集

Such controversies may now have been overtaken on the ground, if the government's triumphal pronouncements today are taken a faith value.”



129.Phil has a habit of making big pronouncements to the kids.



About 10 years ago, absorbed in these details, Charles began to notice what he thought were discrepancies in some of Bourgoin's pronouncements.

大约 10 年前,Charles 沉浸在这细节中,开始注意到他认为 Bourgoin 声明中存在差异。


I already told you never believe any pronouncements made by anybody, whoever they may be.



" This authoritative pronouncement comes from you, my dear prince, of course" ?



He paused that they might get the full effect of his pronouncement.

他停顿了一下, 他们可能会得到他声明全部效果。


There was a stability, a ballast, in Phillotson's pronouncement which restrained his friend's comment.

Phillotson 声明中有一种稳定性, 一种镇流器, 抑制了他朋友评论。

NPR音讯 2014年1月合集

In this latest pronouncement from North Korea, former basketball star Dennis Rodman has apparently defended Pyongyang's detention of a US citizen.


语法女王(Grammar Girl)

Working by touch, he used it to compose terse, aphoristic phrasings exactly like that oft-quoted pronouncement.


遇见你之前 | Me Before You

Sometimes I felt like King Canute, making vain pronouncements in the face of a tide of chaos and creeping devastation.




gasoline tank, gasoline tax, gasoline-fueled, gasoliner, gasoloid, gasomagnetron, gasometer, gasometric, gasometrical, gasometry, gasoscope, gasotron, gas-oven, gasp, gasp at, gaspar, Gaspe, gaspeite, gasper, gaspereau, gas-phlegmon, gasping, gaspingly, gaspipe, gas-pressurized, gas-processing, gasproof, gas-reservoir, gasschaukel, gassed, gasser, gasserectomy, gassi, gassiness, gassing, gas-sink, gas-sphere, gas-station, gassy, gassycheese, gast, gastaldite, gas-tanker, Gastarbeiter, gaster, gasteralgia, gasterangiemphraxis, gasterasthenia, gasterechema, gasterectasis, gasteremphraxis, gasterohysterectomy, gasteroid, Gasteromycetes, Gasterophilidae, Gasterophilus, gasteropod, gasteropodous, gasterospore, Gasteruptiidae, gasthaus, gasthof, gastight, gas-tight, Gaston, Gastonia, gastr-, gastradenitis, gastraea, Gastraeadae, gastral, gastralgia, gastralgic, gastralgokenosis, gastralia, gastralium, gastraneuria, gastrasthenia, gastratrophia, gastrea, gastrectasia, gastrectasis, gastrectomy, gastrelcobrosis, gastrelcoma, gastrelcosis, gastremia, gastrenteralgia, gastrenteromalacia, gastric, gastric juice, gastric lavage, gastric mill, gastric ulcer, gastricanacidity, gastricin, gastricism, gastricsin, gastriloquism, gastriloquist, gastriloquy, gastrin, gastrinoma, gastriode, gastriole, gastritis, gastro, gastro-, gastroadenitis, gastroanastomosis,


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