We got a psychopathic immortal out there.
She has-unbeknownst to him-fled the clutches of her husband, a cruel and psychopathic Slavic king; she's smitten with the Englishman, Paul, and decides to take his sexual and romantic initiation into her own hands.
她在他不知情的情况下逃离了她丈夫的魔爪,她丈夫是一个残忍变态的斯拉夫国王; 她被这个英国人保罗迷得神魂颠倒,她决定把他初次的肉欲体验和爱情掌握到自己的手中。
Although no one has found a single genetic predictor of Antisocial Personality Disorder, twin and adoption studies do show that relatives of those with psychopathic features do have a higher likelihood of engaging in psychopathic behavior themselves.
虽然没有人发现反社会人格障碍的单一遗传预测因子,但双胞胎和收养研究确实表明, 具有精神病特征的人的亲属本身确实有可能从事精神病行为。
The survey asks owners to describe the allegedly psychopathic behaviors, and so far they have included bullying other pets, taking over the dog's bed, and waiting on the kitchen counter to pounce on unsuspecting family members.
该调查要求主人描述据称的精神病行为, 到目前为止, 他们包括欺负其他宠物、占据狗的床以及在厨房柜台上等着扑向毫无戒心的家庭成员。