Nevertheless, after military service in Thrace, Vespasian was made a quaestor in 35 AD, entering into Roman magisterial service.
尽管如此, 在色雷斯服完兵役后,韦斯帕芗于公元 35 年被任命为财政,开始在罗马行政机构任职。
Sometime between 37 and 38 AD, when he was nearing his thirtieth year, he married Flavia Domitilla, the daughter of Flavius Liberalis, a quaestor's clerk from Ferentium in Italy.
公元 37 至 38 年间,他年近三十,娶了弗拉维娅·多米蒂拉 (Flavia Domitilla),她是来自意大利费伦蒂姆 (Ferentium) 的财务弗拉维乌斯·利贝拉里斯 (Flavius Liberalis) 的女儿。