"blazing star:a rhizomatous dioecious herb (Chamaelirium luteum) in the lily family, having long racemes of small flowers."
The flower of lily of the valley is like tinkler, be born at spending cauline top to show raceme.
The flowers of this species (Saxifraga peltata) are purple, and form tall glandular racemes that are in bloom before the appearance of the leaves.
这个物种 (Saxifraga peltata) 是,形成高大腺总,在叶子出现之前就已经开了。
Far the most delightful and fragrant of the Valley flowers is the Washington lily, white, moderate in size, with from three- to ten-flowered racemes.
It is now in bloom, and I like to wear its pretty fragrant racemes in my buttonhole.
它现在开了, 我喜欢把它那芬芳总插在我扣眼上。
It belongs to the rose family, is about six or eight feet high, has small white flowers in racemes eight to twelve inches long, round needle-like leaves, and reddish bark that becomes shreddy when old.
它属于玫瑰科, 高约 6 或 8 英尺, 总上有 8 到 12 英寸长白小, 叶子呈圆形针, 树皮呈红, 老了会变碎。