It's all so, " rah, rah, go team, yeah! "
就好像在" ,狼队,!"
One of the most popular is a doll called Razanne (rah-ZAN).
最受欢迎的娃娃之是名为 Razanne (rah-ZAN) 的洋娃娃。
So I took a deep breath, and suddenly I shouted with all my might and rah at him, waving my arms.
And rah, rah, rah, so on and so forth.
He shouted, " Hoo rah Minn e-so tah! " This was the first organized shout, or" yell." For the next thirty two years cheerleaders were men only.
“Hoo-rah Minn-e-so-tah!”这是有组织的呐喊或欢呼。在后来的32年中啦啦队员直是男性。
So I took a deep breath, and suddenly I shouted with all my might and rah at him, waving my arms. " He didn't move. " I did not run very far toward him, I tell you!
于是我深吸口气,突然我挥舞着双臂用全力对他大喊大。 ” 他没有动。“我告诉你, 我并没有朝他跑很远!