Catch a ferry or seaplane from Vancouver, and arrive right in the heart of Victoria Harbour, the picturesque gateway through which the island’s fortunes have long flowed.
The audience was entertained by singers Rod Stewart and Susan Boyle and watched pictures of the Queen's Baton arriving in Glasgow landing by a seaplane on the clade.
The first blast of the triumphant music sounded early in Raiders of the Lost Ark, released in 1981, as, dodging poison darts, Indiana Jones Tarzan swung to a moving seaplane.
1981 年上映《夺宝奇兵》中,印第安纳·琼斯·泰山 (Indiana Jones Tarzan) 躲避毒镖, 转向一架移动上飞机, 一开始就响起了第一声胜利音乐。