He was a master showman, and he knew human nature.
Such, for example, is the labour of the musical performer, the actor, the public declaimer or reciter, and the showman.
They are both political showmen; they're both populists.
In large part, because Gall and his disciple Johann Gaspar Spurzheim were great showmen.
Cody liked the idea of being a showman and telling people about the American West.
It's better to be a good listener than a good showman.
And Elon Musk, being the showman that he is, what is he using for a payload?
Another fancy of my father people don't very really highlight is what a showman he is.
He was what we would call a " showman" (showman).
Marionettes that the showman had thrown into the discard.
From the very beginning there were signs of a great showman.
Before radio or television, going to hear Dickens giving a reading was to experience an exceptional showman.
“La La Land” are also behind the songs in The Greatest Showman.
This year, actor Hugh Jackman takes center stage as The Greatest Showman.
今年,员休·杰克曼 (Hugh Jackman) 以“最伟大的家”(The Greatest Showman) 身份登上舞台。
Secretly, I knew that I should rather enjoy the part of showman.
A showman of the highest order, P.T Barnum created " the Greatest Show on Earth."
作为最高级别的, P.T Barnum 创造了“地球上最伟大的”。
Some people might call that being a showman, I call it demonstrating trust in your product, which any smart business has to do.
有人把这称作拿自己当试验品 我则更愿意把这看作展示你对产品的信任 任何精明的商人都需要这样做。
And the musical, The Greatest Showman, will be in theaters December 20th.
音乐剧《马戏之王》将于 12 月 20 日上映。
He was the subject of a Hollywood production in 2017, named the " The Greatest Showman."
他 2017 年好莱坞制作的主题, 被称为“最伟大的” 。
Another powerful message from The Greatest Showman is the importance of unity, of standing together as one.
He was the rival of Wombwell, and of Sanger, one of the greatest showmen of his day.
他 Wombwell 和 Sanger 的竞争对手, Sanger 他那个时代最伟大的艺人之一。
Here the Professor laid hold of the fossil skeleton, and handled it with the skill of a dexterous showman.
在这里, 教授抓住了化石骨架,并以灵巧的的技巧处理它。